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@joiride69 this is for you!


 Tonight was a rough night. Spencer lost the game to the Eagles and Lelani told me that she didn't like me and it broke my heart to hear that. Spencer is currently putting her down for bed and I am freshening up in the bathroom. 

I hear footsteps which means that my husband is close. When he makes it to the room, he closes the door and immediately kisses me. 

"Well, what was that for," I asked completely shocked. 

"I had talked to Jordan and she told me what she had said. I told her that it made you upset and that she could not talk to you in any way that is disrespectful because you are MY wife." He states, making my heart melt. 

"Thanks, baby, I appreciate it but I wanna take my mind off some things. So come and snuggle with me and let's make a baby tonight." I tell him, ripping his tank off. 



Lelani goes back with Jordan this week and it hits me hard. I hate sharing a kid and I wish that Jordan and I's relationship worked out so that it didn't create this tension between Lani and Liv. I love the marriage that I'm in but sometimes I wonder what life would be like if J and I worked.

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling when I got a text from Jordan saying that she'll be here in 15 minutes, I slowly got out of bed and went to wake up Lelani. 

"Baby girl, mommy's coming to pick you up. Time to wake up." I say as I take her out of her crib. 

"Mommy?" She asks sleepily. 

"Yes baby, mommy," I tell her, making our way downstairs. As we are about to walk downstairs, I see Olivia toss and turn in bed. This past week has been rough on her. She was super sick a few days ago and all of the symptoms were leading up to pregnancy. We were both excited so we took a test and that came back negative after the symptoms got worse, we went to the doctor and she said that Liv had the flu.

Lelani and I make it downstairs right as I see the headlights for Jordan's car. I grab all of Lani's things and take her outside. I walk outside to see Jordan in some tight workout clothes and it very much catches me off guard. 

"Hey mama's baby, Spence." She says dryly.

"Jordan, what are you wearing?" I asked.

"I put it on just for you. You know that you miss this." She states putting Lani in the car. I will admit that seeing her like this makes me feel guilty for signing those papers but I needed to. 

"Jordan...I'm married. Happily. You cheated on me remember?" I told her, looking straight into her eyes hoping to refresh her memory. 

"Look, I'm sorry okay. You were just so busy, I needed something and Khali was just there. I never meant to hurt you...that's the last thing I ever want to do." She states stroking my cheek. 

"Yeah, I know. Get home safe and let me know when you make it." I tell her watching her get in the car and drive off. 

That conversation put me in a mood that I first felt when I walked in on Jordan and my best friend. Devasted, hurt, and unworthy. I walked back into the house and turned on the football game. 


My sleep schedule has been so fucked up this week. With Spencer leaving early in the mornings, I make sure to get up and just spend time with him. I look over at the clock and see that it's 5:00 in the morning. I hear the TV downstairs so I get up and go down there. 

"Spence, why are you up so early? It's 5:00 baby." I state. I walk around the couch and tell that he's been crying.  

"Jordan came and picked up Lani. I never realized how much I missed her and hated her in that moment. I wish that our situation ended differently than it did and we were still together. I wish that Lelani still had her parents living in the same house together and not rotating houses constantly." He says wiping his eyes. 

"Do you still honestly love her? Do you still want her to be your wife?" I ask, waiting to hear a response. 

"Of course I still love her. She's the mother of my child. Do I wish she still was my wife...yes, I do. She broke my trust but sometimes forgiveness is key and although she hurt me...I want Lani to still be close to her mom and that woman was my best friend before she was my wife and I'll always ride for her." He states smiling after that last sentence. 

"Yeah. I um... completely understand. I get why you miss her and everything but Spencer I'm your wife. Hearing you say that you wish that you too were still married hurts. What the hell is this relationship then? Is it because Lani doesn't like me?" I ask now confused as to why he's saying all this. I slowly start to get up when I feel him grab my hand. 

"Baby wait...shit. Liv I'm sorry. I just got caught up in the moment and I never meant to hurt you. I know that this week has been crappy for you and this didn't help it at all. Please...just stay here." He pleades. 

"I need to clear my head. I'm going on a run." I state clearly. I ran back upstairs and locked the door bawling my eyes out. So many things run through my mind and I question if my husband actually truly loves me. 

(Let's just act like they are in a fancier home)

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(Let's just act like they are in a fancier home)

I come back downstairs to see him sitting on the bench by the door. He watches my every move until I get ready to step out of the door. He quickly gets up and grabs my hand. I refuse to look into his eyes because I know that I will instantly fold and not be mad at him. 

"Baby..I'm sorry. Go on your run...just please be safe okay? I love you." He says, kissing my hand.

"Mhm...I bet you do." I mumble taking my hand out of his. I open the door and head out hoping to clear my head. 

I am starting to like this book more than the first one I wrote. I think next chapter I'll include Jordan's POV and what went down between her and Spencer. Just know that Jordan is coming back for her man and she will do anything in her power to get him back...even if that takes faking a pregnancy and ruining his marriage. 

School's out today and tomorrow so I might be dropping like crazy...

As always.....follow and comment, please. 
*Also if possible, recommend to others. * 

- T

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