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What the fuck is wrong with me? My wife is gone because of me and honestly...I don't think I can win her trust back. Fuck, I'm stupid. What was I thinking sleeping with my ex-wife? She was the one that cheated on me...and I cheated on my wife. 

I sit by the door and bawl my eyes out. I had a good thing. My wife. I told her when we got married that I would never in a million years break her heart, and that I would be the man who is always truthful, but I fucked up and need to get my wife back. 


I wake up to about 100 messages and notifications from my mom. Ever since Liv lost her mom, my mom has been a safe haven for her and I love that. I read on notification saying that she'll be over in 30 minutes so it's best if I hurry and get dressed.

I hear the doorbell ring and see my mom standing there with the most hurt, sad, questionable, and ready to smack me faces. I know Liv told her what happened and she is pissed. I invite her in and we sit down for a long ass talk. 


I. HATE. MORNING. SICKNESS. It feels like ever since I left the house, I've felt worse than I did feel. Today was the doctor's appointment where Spencer and I were supposed to find out the gender of our baby, but I'm pretty sure that I will be going alone. 

I finish throwing up when I walk into the kitchen and see Kia cooking me breakfast. I don't know what I would do without this girl as my best friend. We've known one another since middle school and to be able to be friends this long is incredible.

"How do you feel boo?" She asks as she hands me my plate. 

"Betrayed, Hurt, Shamefulness, and so much more. I'm just confused as to why he would do this to me. Not only to me but to this baby and our marriage." I state feeling myself get emotional again. 

"I feel bad for saying this but I wish we never met

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"I feel bad for saying this but I wish we never met. I wish we never bumped into each other that day in college. I wish I never was a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader, and I wish I never fell in love with him." I say, knowing it's the hormones talking but at this point, I couldn't care less.

"Olivia, don't say that. I know you love Spencer and I know he loves you. I saw and I've seen how happy y'all are with one another and the love that y'all share. I remember how you came back to our dorm room after your first date with him, and told me he's the one. LIv, this man loves you and even though he fucked up, he's got you." Kia told me smiling. 

"You're saying that just because you like having him as a bomb-ass brother-in-law," I say making Kia and I laugh. I understand what she's saying and where she's coming from but I need time. I need time to focus on me, the baby, and work." I say, knowing I can't do anything without thinking about Spencer. 

Kia and I finished breakfast and I went upstairs to get ready for my doctor's appointment. As I finished getting ready, I got a text from Mama Grace, letting me know that she left the house and she'd be over later. I heart her message and replied with "OK."

I got into the car and called Spencer letting him know that I was headed to my appointment. I wasn't expecting him to pick up but he did. 


"She's a good woman baby. Your wife is a good woman. She's the person who had your back when you were at your lowest, she's the person who helped you after your injury, and she's the person who didn't let a miscarriage tear you guys apart. She is that woman and that woman is your wife. If you want her back, earn her trust back. She's having your baby and you need to be there. She loves you and you love her." I reminisce on the conversation I had with my mom knowing she was right. 

My thoughts were interrupted when I got a call from Olivia. Today is a very special doctor's appointment and I need to be there for my wife and baby. I pick up the phone and she tells me that she's on her way and that I can meet her there...I happily do. 


"So if you can see, that's the baby's head and his little legs." Dr. Matthews said to us, making both of us look in her direction.

"Did you just say his?" Liv asked with a glimmer of hope in her eyes...

"Yep. You guys are having a baby boy. Congratulations. I'm going to go get these pictures printed and I'll be back." Dr. Matthews says as she walks out the door.

"Let's go! TEAM BOY BABY!" I say embracing Liv in a hug

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"Let's go! TEAM BOY BABY!" I say embracing Liv in a hug. 

"Congratulations! I'm gonna have a mama's boy." She says continuing to hug me. 

We stay in this hug until the doctor gets back and tells us we can leave. I am about to say something to Liv when I see Jordan come from out of nowhere and kiss me. I swear this woman is trying to ruin my relationship.

 I swear this woman is trying to ruin my relationship

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"Baby come on. We have our appointment this morning to see if we're having twins...I'm excited. You know your pull-out game is weak, so let's go and see. Oh and one more thing, Olivia, your husband was great in bed last night." She says smirking at Olivia.

"Liv wait-" I get cut off by her.

"I'm done, Spencer. Take your fucking ring back. I thought that you would've felt bad about what you did but turns out you don't give a shit about me and this baby. So if it makes you feel good, me and this baby will stay out of your life. YOU CAN HAVE YOUR FAMILY BACK!" Liv says, throwing her ring at me and getting in the car. 


ITS A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looks like Spelivia has hit a rough patch. This chapter was happy and sad at the same time. It truly shows how Liv feels about everything and her perspective. The next Chapter will be a 3 month time jump. Baby shower coming up and hopefully some therapy for my loves. 

Chapter Question: Was Layla wrong for what she did? Did Olivia overreact or were the hormones talking? Do you think the advice that Mama Grace gave Spencer will work and how will Spencer react when he finds out...Jordan's not pregnant?

Thanks for reading, as always love you guys!

Like, comment, share, and most definitely follow. 

*Trigger Warning for some upcoming chapters: Suicidal thoughts and actions*


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