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"Spence, get your goddamn head in the game. We have a game to win and I need my star player to be present. You hear me?" Coach McPhee asks and I nod my head. 

Next weekend is probably one of our most important games because it determines who makes it to the Superbowl and I need this championship win. After we win this game, I plan on proposing to Olivia again because we need a fresh start on our marriage and this new upcoming chapter in our lives.

I have a lot at stake in this game with winning and proposing to my wife in front of tons of people. Liv is more of a social media person while I am pretty chill and laid back, but I recently got the idea to start posting more and gladly...I cannot wait. 


"Hey baby, I know you're probably at your scrimmage right now but can you stop by the store and get some Advil? I have a bad headache and just need something. I know you won't hear this till after the game but just know I'm routing and cheering for you." I hear her voicemail as I smile.  

I gather my things, hop in the car, and call my mom. I don't understand why she hates Liv so much because she liked Liv way more in the beginning. I come to a red light as my mom picks up on the third ring. 

"Hey son, what's up? I feel like I know what this conversation is about and before you say anything, I'm sorry. Liv has done nothing to me and I hear news that just sent me over the edge and made me just despise her." I heard her say as I continued nodding my head.

"Thanks, ma, I appreciate it but I'm not the one who you need to apologize to. Liv always doubts herself whenever she's around you. She is so strong that she puts on a brave face but when she gets in the car and goes home, her eyes are full of tears and she can't stop crying. I hate to use this language but that's my fucking wife...and unfortunately in this situation wife trumps mother." I tell her and hear a sigh on the other end. 

"Yeah son, I know that. Look I want to speak to you and Liv and give a formal apology because of how I was acting. Son, I love Olivia. She was the one who brought your spark back whenever you were going through your divorce with Jordan. The only reason that I started to despise her was Jordan and Kia told me that....oh Spence I'll call you back, Carter's calling." She tells me as she hangs up the phone. 

I continue driving until I get all of Liv's needs and head home to her, Lani, and the baby.


"Baby girl, please stop kicking mommy. Mommy's exhausted and nauseated, so you please let me rest?" I ask her rubbing my stomach and hearing the door open. This baby is a daddy's girl already. She has Spencer's nose, ears, eyes, and stubbornness. 

I hear the garage door open and Lani yells for her dad. Their relationship is one that I hope he and baby girl have. He is an amazing father and watching him master his craft always makes me fall 10x harder for him. 

"Hey wifey, I got all of the medicine that you needed. I'll go put Lani down then I'm all yours for the night." He tells me as I kiss him. 

This man never fails to amaze me. 

45 MINUTES LATER (play song)

I'm soaking in the bath when I hear our wedding song start to circulate in the room. I slightly smile seeing my husband with a bouquet full of colorful flowers. Being married to this man has had its ups and downs but us being there for each other is what matters most.

"So after you told me you felt under the weather, I thought that I could give you a stress-free night. I know how much you love Lelani but being pregnant and home with her 24/7 is not easy. I also know how much pain you're in at the moment and baby, you are incredible. I don't know how women do this whole pregnancy thing, but us men would not be able to survive so thank you." He tells me as I wipe my tears. 

"Aww my love, stop. You know how fucking emotional I've been lately. Thank you, these are beautiful. I do love Lani but she requires so much attention and I just feel like I can't give that to her because of this baby and I am having so much mom guilt." I tell him wiping my tears. 

"Liv...why haven't you told me any of this? Livvie, I know I've been busy but you know you can tell me anything. I don't want this to be super hard on you because this baby requires so much attention, and you can only give so much. You know Lani doesn't quite understand but baby, I'll talk to her alright? I love you and this baby. He tells me as we hold hands. I watch as he interacts with our baby and I could not be happier. 


Spence and I have decided that we won't announce our pregnancy on social media because this is our rainbow baby and we want to cherish these last few months on our own. Eventually, we will let the world know but as of right now, keeping our baby private is the best for us. 

As I'm watching TV, I see Spencer climb into bed and instantly start talking to the baby. He's been doing this since we found out we were expecting and it's the cutest and sweetest thing in the world. I let them have their moment while I continue watching TV.

''Hey baby girl, It's Daddy. I just want you to know that I love you with everything in me. I haven't met you yet but you already bring us so much joy. Having all of those miscarriages and seein' what your mama went through was something that I never want to see again so I thank God for sending you to us. I love you and please don't keep your mama up all night." He tells her then kisses my stomach making tears form. 

We both kiss each other and snuggle up for bed.....not knowing what tomorrow will bring. 

HEY YALL! I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas! I know I did. Just some happy moments for Spelivia because I feel like they need it. Mama Grace finally apologized and we were getting so close as to why she didn't like Liv until....Carter called.  Liv feels guilty because she can hardly do what she used to with Lani because of this baby and Spencer is just being there and caring for his wife. I love this couple so much!

Chapter Questions: What do you think Jordan and Kia told Grace? Do you think Jordan and Kia are secret lovers? What Baby Girl first and middle names do we have? How should Spence talk to Lelani about all of this readjusting about to happen?

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*I love reading them so pretty please comment.* (Following one lucky person)

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