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Liv and I haven't spoken to each other in 4 weeks. She'll drop off the kids, or I'll go pick them up, but other than that, we haven't talked. This time apart has helped me tremendously. I've put Liv and my family through so much that I think it's time for a fresh start. 

I want to get to know my wife again. We can both agree that some parts of our marriage need work and the trust part is the main priority. I love my wife and my kids so I am doing everything possible to get myself together. 

I've been journaling lately and for me, it's a great and healthy way of coping. I can just release how I feel. I truly miss Liv and the kids and hopefully, if all goes well this week, I could see them at my game. 

"Hey, man, the boys and I are going to get some drinks and then hit the club, you down or what?" My best friend Coop asks as I think about what I got going on tonight. 

"Nah, imma pass. Thanks for the invite Coop. You have fun." I tell her as she just hangs up sounding all happy. 

As I get up from the couch, I get a text from my mom and it couldn't have made me happier.  

"Hey baby boy, look, I know that you and Olivia are taking some time away from each other, but last night, we uh, had a medical emergency with her and the baby and I just need you to meet me at the hospital." She tells me as I gather my things and rush out the door. 

Lord knows that I can't lose her

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Lord knows that I can't lose her. If I lose her, I lose my purpose in living. My ride-or-die, the mother of my beautiful children, my support system, and last but not least, my wife. 


Whew, it's been quite a night. Everything was perfectly fine. We had just put the kids to bed and it was me and Liv just bonding like mother and daughter. A few minutes later, she started experiencing severe pain and bleeding, so I rushed her to the nearest hospital before she passed out. 

I see Spencer walk in the door and he immediately spots me and gives me the biggest hug. As much as I hate my son for what he's put Liv through, I just need to be here with him and help him gain some sense. 

"Ma, please, what happened? Is she gonna be okay? How? What? I don't understand. I thought she was perfectly fine. If she was in pain, why did she not tell anyone? Why did she keep it to herself?" He asks me but I'm pretty sure those last two questions were meant for him. 

"We were just spending time together until she felt some sharp pains and began bleeding. By the time I had gotten her here, she was passed out. I'm so sorry baby. Here look, here comes the doctor." I tell him as I let them have a minute to talk while I call De'Angelo to check in on my grandbabies. 

"A'ight, thanks doc

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"A'ight, thanks doc." I hear Spencer say as he looks like he's about to cry. 


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I look into his eyes and I can tell that this isn't good news. Liv is like a daughter to me and I love her to death so her being in this position is hard for me to see especially since the girls will be asking for her in the morning.

"He said that she developed cervical incompetence, heavy vaginal bleeding, and preeclampsia. She had hyperemesis gravidarum and extreme vomiting. So, she has to have a premature labor. I can't do this Mom. They want me to go in there, but I don't think she wants me there." He tells me and I look at him crazy. 

"Do you hear yourself? Of course, she wants you in there with her. You're her husband for crying out loud. Spencer, Liv's been miserable without you and I suggest you get yourself together before you lose a good thing. Now, go be with your wife." I tell him as he kisses my cheek.

Jesus take the wheel and make sure Liv is okay. 


Why is this happening to me? Why do I deserve all the shit that is me? Maybe if I weren't here, it would all be better. I miss my husband and I just want to tell him how much I love and appreciate him, even though he's put me through so much. 

I'm not even in my 3rd trimester and here I am fucking giving birth. I never planned for this and all of a sudden, I had all these things wrong with me. I'm glad that Grace was there when this all happened because I wouldn't have been able to get me here. As I sit here, I really don't want to be bothered and it makes me angry when I hear the door open, but I feel better when I see who it is. 

"Hi baby, god, are you, are you okay? I'm so damn sorry

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"Hi baby, god, are you, are you okay? I'm so damn sorry." I tell him as he just shh's me.

I can tell we have a long conversation ahead of us.


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