4. Wolverine Shirt

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The next morning, Astrid was exhausted. She had gotten no sleep that night, let alone tried to. She sat in her tree, her legs pulled to her chest as she watched the men take care of the dead bodies.

No one had said much, a lot of people died and no one really knew what to say. Daryl was going around pickaxing all the bodies in the skull to make sure they wouldn't come back, followed by Glenn and T-dog cleaning up the bodies by putting them in a fire, Astrid scrunched her nose up as the smell infiltrated her nostrils.

Earlier, when Rick explained to Lori where Astrid was and what happened. Astrid zoned out, not paying attention as Lori lectured her, she had no right to lecture Astrid anyway. She's not my mom. She thought to herself.

The group had lost many lives, Astrid knew she didn't know what others were exactly feeling about the situation, and she knew they didn't know exactly what she was feeling. Truthly, she didn't know exactly how she was feeling herself. Many people have died, her dad has barely spoken to her, she is convinced he doesn't love her no more. And as an added bonus, her fingernails have blood in them, it bothers her.

Andrea had not moved from Amy's side yet, Astrid kept an eye on her. Waiting for the inevitable if Andrea didn't let the men handle Amy soon, but she also felt bad because Amy was nice and Andrea was just sat there, clinging to her baby sister.

Astrid watched as the walker she had saved Carl from previously was dumped onto the pile, Rick walked over to Shane and the others, "She still won't move?" He asked, referring to Andrea.

"She won't even talk to us," Lori replied, sitting on a crate whilst wiping her hands with a rag. "Shes been there all night, what do we do?"

"Cant just leave Amy like that, we need to deal with it." Shane spoke up, he is sitting down with his gun in his hand. "Same as the others,"

Rick sighed before stepping forward, "Ill tell her how it is." He said, making his way to Andrea. Astrid rested her head on the tree trunk, watching what is going to happen.

Rick tried to talk to Andrea but before he could she pulled a gun on him and cocked it, tilting her head slightly. "I know how the safety works," She muttered in a cold tone. A short moment later Rick backed up, making his way back over to the others.

After a few minutes Daryl came over. "Astrid get yer ass down from there!" He yelled, scoffing. She sighed and climbed out the tree, to exhausted to argue with him.

"Yall can't be serious?" Daryl now says to the group, "Let that girl hamstring us? The dead girls a time bomb!" he whisper yells, pointing at Amy and Andrea. Once Astrid is down from the tree she stands of to his side.

"What do you suggest?" Rick questions, his hands on his hips.

"Take the shot, clean, in the brain from here. Hell, I can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance!" Daryl recommends, stepping forward. His pickaxe is now over his shoulder.

"No, for god sakes. Let her be." Lori speaks up, defending Andrea. Astrid also feels bad that Amy has to die, and hates that she agrees with her dad but he is right. Daryl scoffs and walks off, probably to finish the job he was doing before. Astrid follows behind him, keeping a distance, unsure what else to do.

"Wake up, Jimbo we got some work to do!" Daryl muttered as they walked past Jim, he was acting stranger than usual. Astrid hangs off to the side, watching the walkers bodies get taken away and also watching Jim, she can tell somethings off.

"What are you guys doing?" Glenn questions Daryl and Morales as they pull one of the dead people to the pile. "This is for geeks, our people go over there!"

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