Chapter 7

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It's a week since my boss has gone.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him, sure he can be a lot to handle sometimes but I think I like him... Like a lot.

I mean he did kiss me, I wonder if he perhaps likes me too?

I can't wait for him to come back. I don't even understand myself at times. Mister Jeon is gone but he left the nicest person ever in charge, my new friend!


When I saw that he was going to  be charge for the time, I was very awkward but he made me feel comfortable.

I haven't spoken to him since that day he left me at home but now we're friends.

Yes my substitute boss is my friend.

The only time I address him as Mister Kim is when we're around my other colleagues.

It's crazy in all honesty. Taehyung is best friends with Mister Jeon, they're so different!


Tae comes into my office holding two cups of coffee, he hands me one.

"Thank you Tae"

He sits next to me.

"What ya' doin?"

He peers over at the paperwork I'm busy with.

"Oh Mister Jeon had left work"

He actually left me with a lot of work but I guess that's what I'm here for.

"Ugh, he's so boring, always working. I think he'll be back soon."

Tae tells me, my heart skips a little beat.


"Yeah and anyways I'm gonna be out of town as well... Modeling."

I sometimes forget Taehyung is a popular model, he's so down to earth and chill and I mean he's friends with me as well.

Taehyung and I talk for hours, I barely get any work done.

Infact most of my work is not done and I blame Tae.

Tae and I are immersed in deep conversation, our talks trail off to Mister Jeon.

"Him and I know each other even before we had started high-school, he's always been like a brother to me."

Tae smiles lightly, he obviously really cares for him.

" He can be a lot, a big pain in the butt but he's come a really long way... Such a long way... "

Taehyung's voice turns soft, he seems kind of sad, making me curious.

" A long way? "

I ask, he looks at me.

" Azula, Jungkook has been through a lot in his life, things I could never talk about but it's really damaged him. People look at him and think he's just a rich, perfect boss with anger issues but honesty he's just a guy with a traumatizing past."

My heart hurts for him, I wonder what he could have went through... I doubt his past is worse than mine though.

I arrive at work the next day, extremely tired. I had stayed up the whole night, completing my paperwork.

I make my way into Mister Jeon's office, my heart skips about three beats.

He's back.

I remain perplexed, as if sensing my presence he turns around from the window he had been facing.

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