chapter 16

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Daniel's POV

As the minutes turned to hours, Bessie finally fell asleep. Looking at her, I noticed the dried tear stain on her cheek. So she cried herself to sleep and I didn't notice. Oh, that's right,I was busy confessing my feelings in my brain, and I was that oblivious to notice that she cried herself to sleep.
What should I do?
I lay there,watching her sleep
My heart melted each time my gaze fell on the dried tear.
Suddenly, out of impulse,I gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Woah! I just did that.
Her cheek is so soft.
Enough Daniel!
Stop it!
I rested my head on the pillow and eventually drifted to sleep.
I woke up in the morning with the sweet smell of pancakes. It smells divine.
I sat up, rubbed my eyes, and went outside because the light was so bright. And there I saw Bessie doing her morning chores,looking so innocent, so beautiful,so alluring even in a simple dress. I wasn't aware of the minutes that I spent staring at Bessie and into space until I saw her approach me. Then I snapped out of my thoughts, seeing her cute face twist into nervousness.

"G..Good morning sir,I hope you slept well."

"Good morning, Bess. As a matter of fact,yes,I did sleep well."

There's no way I am going to let her know that the bed was stiff and uncomfortable. That would be rude.
Besides,I'm used to a luxurious life, and she isn't.
But no matter how stiff the bed was,I wasn't also going to let her know that for the first time in a long time,I slept peacefully.

"I uh..I made breakfast sir,so if you would please follow me."

"Sure, Bessie."

Following her like a lost sheep,we made our way back to the house where Bessie served me a plate of pancakes and syrup.
I thanked her and tried a spoonful. Gosh, it tastes like Nirvana. I mean ,the aroma from it was mouth watering, and the taste is unique.
I know I shouldn't make it a big deal,it's just pancakes, but man, these pancakes taste way better than the ones at home.

"The pancakes are delicious."

I blurted out,and Bessie bows down her head. I know if she was fair skinned, she would be blushing hard by now
But all the same,she still looks breathtaking

"Thank you, sir."

She answered shyly. I was devouring the food because I didn't really eat last night after the whole incident.
I saw Bessie getting up and gave her a questioning look.

"Won't you get something into your stomach,I'm sure you are starving just as I am now."

" I have to finish my chores and go thank the neighbours for their help yesterday, before I go back to my job, sir."

"I understand, but you need the energy to do all those,so please sit and eat to regain your strength, I know you are exhausted,please.

I watched her hesitate, only for a while,before serving herself. She started to chew slowly, looking lost in thoughts.
I wanted to know what was going on in her mind,but I decided against it.
I wanted her to have the quiet time she deserves. After the meal,I opted to go wash the dishes while she went back to what she was doing.
Of course, she objected. But I'm a gentleman, I just have a preverted brain when it comes to her
I shouldn't even be thinking of such things like that.
I'm sure she is a small girl. Also, I am trying to make amends with whatever small deeds I do to show that I still regret the rape incident.
After washing the dishes,I followed Bessie around the neighbourhood as she went thanking people who helped in burying her mom,not without shedding a few tears.
They assured her that they're family, so she should feel free coming to them whenever she had an issue
Others still looked at me weirdly,but they at least gave me space.
After all that,Bessie cleaned the house,locked it,and together, we went back to my place.
On our way,the walk was quiet.
I didn't know if I should try to engage in a conversation or just let the silence take over. I really wanted to know more about her,but at the same time, I didn't want her to feel pushed.
After a few minutes, which felt like a whole hour of silence, I spoke out.


She turned her head in my direction. I knew that I had to continue with whatever I had in mind

"I do not mean to remind you of your loss,but what was wrong with your mother?"

She bowed her head,I doubted if she would answer without shedding tears.
But I heard her speak ever so quietly.

"All I know was that she had a problem with her heart, sir."

"Okay,and what about your father?"

She hesitated.

"I won't push you for an answer, Bessie. Just know that I am always here for you."

"He...he took a loan from his master to treat mother,but could not pay back on time,so he was thrown in prison."

She spoke,and I paused in my tracks. I was surprised and a bit outraged.
How can someone be so heartless to imprison his employee because of dept
If the person had enough money,he would not have opted for a loan.
Bessie stood confused,looking at me,wanting to know the reason why I stopped walking.

"I'm so sorry about that, Bess. I shouldn't have asked you. Sorry to question. "

"It's okay, sir. "

"We should continue walking, I'm sure everyone is a bit curious of my whereabouts."

And with that,we continued our journey once more in complete silence.
All the pieces about her were coming together
So many thoughts were running in my head. But just one name has been in mind; Bessie.
Bessie Bessie Bessie. The name,so sweet in the ear,yet filled with pain anytime I hear it. She shouldn't be working. She should be with her family. A loving,joyful family.
Yet here she is,got raped yours truly, lost her mom and her dad in prison. I have to think of a way to help Bessie. And fast. I really like her,I want her to like me back,but I am not going to tell her that now. I want her to feel comfortable around me,and know that i would never hurt her. I have to gain her trust.

Hi guys,I'm so sorry for taking so long and so sorry for a short chapter 🥺
I can only write a 1000 words,my phone can't allow me to write more than that.
I know I should have finished the story by now, but the series of events these past few years has made me unable to post frequently, I've had writers block,I've lost my phone on several occasions,I am a student and I am also into music,so I barely get time for myself,I still don't have a laptop,so I use my phone to write the story and also do my school project works and use it to write lyrics of my music. So the phone is multitasking

I'm so sorry,I will finish this book📖

But you can follow me on Facebook on @joywishers
On Instagram @joyco_lor as I journey through the musichood
I will reply to your messages♥️

I love you all,stay safe,take care. Thank you all for your patience 💜🩵♥️

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