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Sasaki carefully picked up the demonic artifact and examined its intricate exterior. Holding tangible evidence of demonic spiritual forces felt like a surreal privilege. She couldn't help but appreciate Yuji's contribution in locating it and the convenience of performing their ritual right here in their club room.

As Sasaki focused on unraveling the mysterious artifact, she noticed Iguchi's growing annoyance at her insistence on discussing its possible origins.

"Why now? Couldn't we have done this another time?" Iguchi inquired.

Sasaki remained engrossed in her task, offering no immediate response.

"Have you actually learned anything from being part of this club?" Sasaki finally asked.

Iguchi, who always seemed perpetually fatigued, let out a tired yawn.

"That demons will snatch your girlfriend. That's pretty much all I've gathered," Iguchi replied with a nonchalant tone.

Sasaki countered, "Well, you're mistaken. The ambiance here is perfect for this kind of investigation, and I couldn't wait any longer. The sooner we dissect this artifact, the sooner we might achieve something noteworthy, perhaps even publication."

Iguchi sighed in resignation.

"Is this all about fame?"

Sasaki explained, "Not entirely, but think about it, Iguchi. If our club gains recognition, we won't have to worry about it being disbanded."

"I get your point," Iguchi conceded. "Let's just... speed things up."

Sasaki struggled to open the wrap. She pulled with all her might, but the wrapping remained stubbornly in place.

"Let me give it a shot," Iguchi offered.

Sasaki shook her head stubbornly.

"No, I've got this... alright, it's finally open," she declared as the wrapping fell onto the table.

As the wrapping slid away, revealing the ominous artifact, the candles on the table began to dim. Sasaki could swear she sensed a malevolent presence in the room, wondering if it was coming from the artifact she held. Iguchi was the first to scream.

"WHAT IS IN YOUR HAND?!" he shrieked, recoiling in his chair. Sasaki finally comprehended the nature of her discovery and promptly dropped the artifact onto the table. It was not what she had anticipated—it was a severed human finger.

"A...human finger? Why?" she mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper. Iguchi, standing beside her, appeared equally perplexed.

It shouldn't have come as a shock, given the club's bizarre nature, but there was something uniquely unsettling about this particular thing that sent shivers down her spine.

As she observed the finger's eerie, independent movements, Sasaki couldn't help but clutch her stomach. The thunderstorm raging outside added to the eerie atmosphere, intensifying her unease.

I'm not overthinking this. I just can't fathom why anyone would wrap a finger like this. The only explanation must be that it's a demonic finger. Or perhaps it's been preserved, but what could possibly make it so significant that someone would go to such lengths?

Her thoughts raced as the finger continued its eerie dance, defying all reason. Then, an idea struck her. She reached for a blank notebook and held the finger as if it were a utensil.

Iguchi, clearly puzzled, couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing?"

Sasaki took a deep breath and replied, "Just watch, you'll see."

𝓝𝓞 𝓒𝓤𝓡𝓢𝓔𝓓 𝓔𝓝𝓔𝓡𝓖𝓨Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin