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Yuji sat down while Gojo lectured him about cursed energy.

At first, he didn't really understand what Gojo was saying, but then it all began to make sense.

It was a type of energy source that the majority of Jujutsu Sorcerers and Cursed Spirit utilized. Normal humans also had cursed energy, but people with more could easily spot curses.

When Yuji asked for the reason why Saitama could see cursed spirits, Gojo had a theory.

"I think the main reason Saitama can see curses is due to his superior senses. That's just what I think. But hey, stop focusing on him. Now, pay attention." Gojo said.

By using cursed energy properly, a Jujutsu Sorcerer could effectively dispatch the majority of curses that they encounter. A majority was most definitely different than all.

Yuji knew that pretty well by now.

There was also a big difference in using cursed energy and cursed energy techniques.

Cursed energy was the electricity, and cursed techniques were the electronics.

Still, Yuji had more questions.

"I still don't understand. Why don't I have any cool techniques like Nobora and Megumi?"

"Their techniques were inherited from their own clan. So, basically, the level of a Jujutsu Sorcerer really boils down to eighty percent talent." Gojo replied.

Yuji got up, strolled near a wall, and banged his head against it.

Gojo grinned.

"Don't worry. You can still utilize cursed energy in other ways. Like your punches for example." Gojo said.

Yuji immediately leaned up.

"Punches? How?" Yuji asked.

"Focus on harnessing the cursed energy in your hands, then releasing it through a punch. Your strength is your strong suit, so focus on that. Here, try it." Gojo replied, putting out his palm.

Yuji twisted his upper body, attempted to harness cursed energy in his hands, and punched Gojo's palm.

Nothing happened.

"Ah...I see, so I was right." Gojo said.

"Right about what?"

"You don't have a consistent flow of cursed energy. Your punch had none. If you want to utilize it properly, you'll need a consistent flow of cursed energy. Here, I have just the right thing. You're lucky Yaga was willing to give me one of these things." Gojo said.

Yuji was still confused, that was, until Gojo pulled out a doll with boxing gloves, and gave it to him.

"This thing will punch you if it receives an inconsistent flow of cursed energy." Gojo said.

"Wait, but what abou—" Yuji began. He got punched in the face by the doll.


"You haven't even held that thing for more than five seconds. You got a lot of work to do..." Gojo began.

He strolled near the TV and turned it on. He picked up a CD from one of the racks and put it inside the movie player.

"You'll be watching movies with that fella from now on." Gojo said.

Yuji felt like crying.



Jogo sat down with Kenjaku in a restaurant. He was eager to know what the plans were for the future of their attacks. So far, they had set their sights on Satoru Gojo and Yuji, and maybe the bald Jujutsu Sorcerer. He grinned as Kenjaku lifted his finger.

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