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If there was anywhere Saitama needed to go for food, it was in the city. Gojo had already provided him with yen for a meal and even given him some new clothes to wear when not in his jumpsuit—stylish T-shirts and sweatpants.

Currently, Gojo and Saitama strolled through a park in Sendai City. There wasn't much activity, just a few families scattered around, but Gojo believed it was the perfect place to begin Saitama's exploration.

"Is there good hot pot here?" Saitama asked. His stomach was audibly protesting.

Gojo grinned and assured him, "You'll love it. I assume they have Japanese food in your world too?"

"I mean... I guess," Saitama replied.

Gojo, wrapped his arms around Saitama.

"Yuji went to the hospital to check on his friends. That gives you and me about an hour. Do you want a tour, or..."

"Nah... I'm fine," Saitama replied.

Gojo could tell that Saitama was unsure of what he was going to do.

How could someone be so nonchalant in an unfamiliar world?

"Hey, remember what I said about cursed energy?" Gojo reminded.

Saitama scratched his bald head, and Gojo surmised he had a reputation for forgetfulness.


"Well, having cursed energy means you'll have a higher chance of seeing cursed spirits. The higher the population, the more likely you'll spot one nearby. I doubt you can see any, but if you do, let me know," Gojo explained.

Saitama shrugged.

"Alright. Can I go now?" Saitama asked.

"Sure, but just in case you get lost, here's a map," Gojo replied, presenting a detailed map of Sendai City.

Its intricacy was such that only a fool could manage to lose their way with it. Saitama frowned.

"Do you guys have cell phones in this world?" Saitama asked.

"Oh, please. We're not that underdeveloped. Compared to other countries, I would say we're definitely above average."

"Countries, what are countries?" Saitama asked.

Gojo scratched his head.

"You seriously don't know what a country is?"

"We have cities, but I've never heard of what you call a country. Nevermind, maybe it's just me. Genos would probably know more about that."

"Who's Genos?"

"My disciple... sort of," Saitama replied. Gojo smiled and laughed.

"So I guess we really are similar! Interesting. Let me guess, are you the strongest in your world?" Gojo asked.

Saitama didn't reply; he just sighed and started walking.

"Did I say something?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"That's cool. It's just that I haven't had someone to talk to who was in a similar position I am in," Gojo replied.

Saitama still didn't say anything; now, he seemed like he was ignoring Gojo.

"So, you're all set?" Gojo asked.


"Alright. I'll see you in an hour. We're meeting back at this park with Yuji, and possibly Megumi," Gojo said.

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