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Mahito was crawling out of the sewers with crippling fear. When he set out his Domain to kill the one thing that Kenjaku had warned him about, all hell had broken loose.

He was defeated.

How? Me? Of all people? How could one just punch their way out of my Domain with brute force?! Is that even possible?! Fuck, I'm lucky that I had a plan to split apart before he punched me, or else I would've been a goner. I have no idea if he can affect my soul, but I don't want to find out...Shit, what am I going to tell Kenjaku now?!

Mahito was almost finished crawling out of the sewers, butt naked. He could barely see the light. He kept on crawling, even when his arms were about to give up, that didn't matter to him.

As he exited the sewers, his face looking down on the ground, he could sense a presence staring at him from above. Who could've thought differently: it was Kenjaku.

Mahito looked up, his face all disoriented and filled with shame.

"You fought him, didn't you, even though I told you not to. All of you are like children. You only learn the hard way." Kenjaku said, turning his face towards the moonlight.

Mahito used all of his strength to lift himself up from the ground. He reached for Kenjaku as if he were trying to bless him.

"It wasn't my fault...the damn sorcerer near had me cornered...I'm sure he would've found me if I tried running away. What did you do with the finger that we planned to put in that kid's house?" Mahito asked.

Kenjaku wasn't even looking at him. His head was still turned away. Nevertheless he threw the finger at Mahito and Mahito caught it with a bit of surprise.

"There are currently six fingers at the Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School. Like I said before, we need them. If we can feed Yuji an abundant amount of fingers at the same time, then perhaps he'll lose control of Sukuna due to the overwhelming surge of power that'll take over him." Kenjaku explained.

Kenjaku's head turned to Mahito, the moonlight still reflecting on his face.

"I want you to retrieve those fingers for me." Kenjaku said.

Mahito stretched his arms.

"What about Saitama? I'm nowhere near his level, and his soul is basically untouchable. Just one punch and he was able to nearly defeat me. Do you have another plan set in place?" Mahito asked desperately.

Kenjaku smiled.

"I do...actually...and it's during the school's Goodwill Event." Kenjaku said.



Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School

Just within the walls of the school, where Maki was roaming, Saitama was asleep while slouching on a wooden bench just outside.

Maki had wondered why he was so tired even since yesterday, but she decided that it was best to say nothing. Her mind was focused on making sure that everyone who was expected to be at the event would be here—no excuses or backing down.

He's lucky that he's able to afford to sleep on a day like this. I wonder if they're going to mix things up since he's on our side. That's sad...I won't even get to test my strength on the other students.

Maki tried facing the other direction. The sun was beating down on her face, and she didn't like it. While doing so, she saw Megumi, Nobora, Panda, and Inumaki stroll over to where she was.

As the group gathered around, one by one, they looked at Saitama and frowned.

"So...who's going to wake him up?" Maki asked.

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