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Sukuna relished the sensation of being alive once more. The surge of power and the return of his malevolent existence sent exhilaration coursing through him.

He knew he had fully returned when his crimson eyes locked onto another figure in the distance. A bald man, clad in peculiar attire, had the misfortune of becoming Sukuna's first target.

Doesn't matter who it is; I'll kill him.

With a ferocious charge, Sukuna lunged at the bald man, his claws slashing through the air. The sheer force of his attack sent shockwaves across the rooftop, causing it to crumble and disintegrate into a storm of rubble and debris.

In the chaos, Sukuna couldn't be certain if the man had perished, but he felt a surge of confidence.

Who's next?

However, a sudden, chilling realization crept over him as he sensed the presence of the man standing perilously close behind him, close enough to whisper threatening words into his ear.

"Do you have any idea how much money this is gonna cost you? Don't think they won't come to sue. Believe me," the man's voice taunted.

Sukuna swiftly pivoted, slashing viciously at the man's face, but to his astonishment, there was no impact. The man merely stood there, his expression unfazed, waiting for Sukuna to strike again.

What's up with this guy? He has no cursed energy. No, something is wrong...he must be employing some kind of technique.

Undeterred by this adversary, Sukuna lunged at the bald man once more, yet he missed his target. Recovering his balance, the bald man approached him with an air of casual indifference.

"We don't actually have to fight. They just told us that we have to...but if you insist, I guess we could," the man replied.

Sukuna seethed with embarrassment.

I'm the King of Curses! How dare he dictate when and how I should fight?

Sukuna charged at the man, tackling him like a football player.

They plummeted through multiple levels of the building, the structure giving way to their destructive force.

When they finally crashed into the bottom, Sukuna believed the man was either dead or severely injured. But to his astonishment, the man lay there, almost as if he had sunk into the cement.

"I'm sorry, I can't remember your name. You're Sakanu, right?" the man asked, his words triggering a twitch in Sukuna's eyes.

"IT'S SUKUNA, YOU IMBECILE!" Sukuna roared.

Before he could unleash further fury, the bald man inadvertently sneezed, sending Sukuna hurtling through multiple buildings until he crashed onto a house in a quiet rural neighborhood, rendering him unconscious.

"Oops," Saitama muttered.


Megumi observed the entire battle from a rooftop, sharing this vantage point with Gojo. He marveled at Saitama's remarkable durability against the slashes of a Special Grade curse.

Such an outcome should have been impossible. Slowly rising to his feet, he turned to Gojo with a question in mind.

"What happened to Sukuna? I lost track," Megumi asked.

"He's not there anymore. Yuji has taken over him now," Gojo responded.

Megumi still wore a puzzled expression.

"And Saitama? Did he knock him out?"

"Presumably. All I know is that they caused more damage than I anticipated. But hey, we've got a powerhouse on our hands. Let's harness it while it's still fresh," Gojo replied.

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