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Sukuna leaned back after thrashing the cursed spirit before him. Slowly, a realization dawned upon him—he was in a different place and time.

The air felt distinct, colder than what he was accustomed to, and his mind buzzed with a multitude of questions as he began to piece together his unfamiliar surroundings.

A triumphant smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He turned around and spotted a young boy with black hair, sprawled on the ground, showing signs of injury. Sukuna's heart raced with excitement.

There's no way... I'm... I'm finally here. I'm back! Sukuna marveled at the revelation as he gazed upon the horizon.

A breathtaking metropolis stretched before him, unlike anything he had ever witnessed in his own world. It was a sight to behold, utterly magnificent.


Sukuna couldn't contain his elation, his voice echoing across the unfamiliar landscape.

However, he quickly composed himself, a sly grin dancing upon his lips.

This isn't my body... Oh well, I'll do whatever I want...

A voice disrupted his thoughts, cutting through the exhilaration that coursed through him.

"Curse... You're a curse...and it's my job to exorcise you."


Yuji's consciousness returned, and he became acutely aware of his own body. He could sense Megumi's penetrating gaze fixated on him. Confusion washed over him, coupled with a peculiar sensation of being deprived of his clothing.

He instinctively raised both hands, a defensive reaction to the uncertainty that surrounded him.

"Hey, look, it's me," Yuji stammered.

"I don't know what happened, but I'm back now. Please don't do anything crazy, alright? I'm back. We should probably be going to the hospital or something."

"You...ate the curse... Special Grade Ryomen Sukuna's finger..." Megumi's voice trailed off as he stared at the ground. The ominous atmosphere weighed heavily upon Yuji's shoulders.

Glancing around, Yuji noticed a looming storm on the horizon. His gaze shifted to the left, where he spotted a man with white hair wearing a blindfold standing alongside Megumi. An unsettling feeling gnawed at him.

Who's that guy? More importantly, what's with that storm above us?

"So, what's the info?" the man with white hair asked.

He stood casually next to Megumi, and Yuji couldn't help but feel he was up for a beating.

Megumi's attention remained locked on the ominous storm.

"Gojo Sensei, is that a cursed spirit above us?" he asked.

"Actually, no, it's not. Whatever it is... it doesn't have any cursed energy," Gojo Sensei responded.

Gojo shifted his focus.

"Did you find the missing cursed artifact? The higher-ups wanted to know where it was after it went missing. Figured you were on it, Megumi. Any luck?" Gojo asked.

It didn't take long for the truth to emerge.

"Umm... actually... I ate it," Yuji confessed. Gojo glanced at Yuji as if the words went through his right ear and came out his left.

"For real?" Gojo responded.

To their right, a man descended upon the building from the storm. Clad in a yellow jumpsuit with red gloves and a white cape, sporting a bald head, he appeared utterly ordinary.

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