The quiz

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"Where's Rahul bhaiya?" Shubman asked, glancing around the room once again, slowly.

"He's--" Rohit and Ash exchanged a glance.

"He's--indisposed," said Hardik, who had learnt that new word yesterday night while playing Anagram Magic.

"That's a completely wrong usage," said Jassi, glaring.

"To be fair, maybe he is a bit mentally indisposed," said Bhuvi wrly.

"Also," said Virat. "Why are you so concerned about Rahul bhaiya, Shubi?"

"Because--" Shubman backed away.

"Maybe because he is going to extreme lengths for Shubi's happiness?" Rohit suggested menacingly, for he deeply sympathized with Rahul's plight and he had got into the habit of perpetually sticking up for Rahul in his quest to steal him away from Virat.

Dilip sir cleared his throat loudly. "Can we start, please? Normally I wouldn't say anything, but we're on a very tight schedule--"

"Ok, the first question is--" said Virat, reading off ostentatiously from an imaginary piece of paper. "Who is the first person on your speed dial?"

Shubman glanced at Ishan, nonplussed, and said, "Ishan."

"Very good," said Virat, nodding.

"The second question is--" began Shreyas.

"Why are you asking?" asked Shubman. "Dilip sir is supposed to ask!"

"You didn't say anything when Virat bhaiya asked!" said Shreyas, outraged.

"Because it's Virat bhaiya," said Shubman, like it was the most obvious fact on earth.

Virat looked so smug and pleased with himself that Rohit broke in disagreeably, "If you question the quiz master, you're out of running for the medal, Shubi."

"But who authorized Shreyas bhaiya to be the quiz master?" persisted Shubman.

Dilip sir glanced at his watch anxiously and discovered they had already used up two and a half minutes.

"I authorized him," he said quickly. "I authorized all of them, now be quick."

"The second question--" Shreyas said balefully. "Who is your 3 am friend?"

"Ishan," said Shubman, again glancing at Ishan, who looked altogether too innocent in a corner.

"The third!" Hardik shrieked. "If you're stranded on an island, who would you want to be with?"

"Ishan," said Shubman.

Jaddu was not to be left behind when it came to dire, ominous questions. "If the world is ending, who will you want by your side?"

"Ishan," said Shubman.

"And I thought that question would need some thinking," drawled Jaddu as Ishan beamed. 

"What use would Ishan be!" scoffed Hardik. "If the world is ending, you should pick someone who has a chance of saving the world, like--like--a scientist, or an astronaut, or--"

"You," suggested Jassi.

Hardik nodded. "Or me."

"D'you want to change your answer, Shubi?" Jassi asked.

Shubman shook his head promptly. "No, I'd not want a scientist or an astronaut...or you, Hardik bhai." He grinned at Ishan, who was still grinning, too.

"You want Ishan," whispered SKY eerily.

Oblivious to the implication, Shubman said, "Yeah."

Dilip sir consulted his watch yet more anxiously.

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