Misplaced despondency

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Ishan felt cornered with so many people standing in a circle around him, x-raying him with their significant gazes.

"All right," he said. "I don't know why everyone seems to think I have a problem with this wedding. Am I supposed to? Is it Shresta? Do you guys have a problem with Shresta?"

"Er, no," said Jaddu. "We love Shresta."

"Then what is the problem?" demanded Ishan.

"We've had enough of your stupidity over ten years and finally one of you has seen a bit of the reality," said Virat. "You finally said you're not happy."

"How can he be?" remarked Shreyas, "when Shubman's getting married to someone else?"

Ishan's jaw dropped with realization at what crazy--mindblowingly crazy--crap these people were implying.

"Are you all completely crazy?"

"You said you're not happy," said Rohit, who was clearly not about to let that go anytime soon.

"But that's not the reason," Ishan protested. "I am happy for Shubi and Shresta, she's just the kind of girl I'd have wanted for Shubi."

"You would have wanted?"


Ishan felt helpless enough to confess it all to them, how he didn't remember everything with full clarity since 2023, in spite if Rishabh's warning, but Hardik shouted, "KL, chuck over a mirror!"

Rahul shot him a dirty look from beyond the fountain.

"It's really urgent and you're holding one!" shouted Shreyas and SKY, and Rohit put in his demands as well.

"Why do you need a mirror?" Ishan asked, but no one paid him any heed till a resigned Rahul  came over.

"This is a holy mirror or something, the priest needs it," he said crossly. "Be quick!"

Hardik held it in front of Ishan's face.

"See your own face as you say you're happy for Shubi and Shresta, Ishan," he commanded.

Ishan scowled.

"See!" crowed Hardik. "See!"

Jaddu started to cackle.

"I didn't say it yet!" said Ishan fiercely. He tried to wipe off the scowl and smile. Good. "Obviously I'm happy for Shubi and Shresta..."

He tried to smile wider.

Good. Great--

"Oh God," said Ash. "Now you look like you're bidding a close one farewell at a funeral. Take back your mirror to the priest, KL."

Rahul didn't seem inclined to take the mirror back to the priest anymore. He studied Ishan with disquieting concern.

"So you've finally seen some light?" he said, conversationally.

"Will you all stop saying--" 

Ishan looked at Rishabh for help. Rishabh didn't seem inclined to. Then Ishan turned on his heel.


He walked away, really really tired and really really annoyed. 

What was wrong with everyone?

Couldn't you even have a bit of temporary amnesia without your brothers making up theories about how you were unhappy about your best friend getting married to someone except him?

His team had gone as crazy as those reel-editors on Instagram. 

Ishan remembered those very well. From 2023, and afterwards, too. How he and Shubman used to laugh about them, singing along with the romantic songs. Never to let go a chance of being dramatic, Shubman would be offering him a hand as they sang, like they were long-lost lovers.

(Not) Just a dream (OR, the ICT steals a groom)Where stories live. Discover now