Chapter 31

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Guan Yin was puzzled. "So, what does this have to do with the abnormal behavior of this Peace Lily?"

He shook the almost lifeless Peace Lily in his hand.

Si Yin Yuan raised an eyebrow slightly. "Do you know the other name for the Peace Lily?"

"It seems to be called the 'White Palms'... or also known as 'Smooth Sailing'?"

The shape of the Peace Lily's flowers resembled white sails, and before the apocalypse, many people believed it symbolized smooth sailing and good luck, making it an auspicious plant.

Si Yin Yuan nodded slightly. "This plant is often kept in offices. A plant that's frequently found in offices, and after being exposed to human work habits before the apocalypse, it developed an obsession with human work. It instinctively recreated the environmental conditions it had experienced before the apocalypse. Of course, this is just a hypothesis."

It was also the most plausible hypothesis.

Perhaps, with the intelligence of the Peace Lily, after consuming a human, it might even wonder why humans no longer watered it like they used to in the office. So, it followed its instincts and came to this base, found the office building, and this time it was a bit smarter. After consuming human internal organs, it left behind an empty corpse and used its memory to piece these corpses into a semblance of work.

Guan Yin rubbed the goosebumps on his body. "Could it be that before the apocalypse, some plants could sense the external world? In that case, haven't they been observing humans and harboring resentment against those who harmed them?"

The triplets shrugged together. "Who knows?"

If that were really the case, would the little grass have consciousness too?

Si Yin Yuan, who had rarely been lost in thought, suddenly remembered the three years he spent nurturing a tiny, three-centimeter-tall plant. It might not even have been a specific breed, possibly just a weed. It was the only living creature he managed to keep alive, very delicate, withering if not watered for half an hour. It didn't grow despite using a lot of fertilizer, and it never flowered.

Every day, it lazily basked in the sun on the windowsill.

Unfortunately, after the apocalypse, it should...

Si Yin Yuan's eyes darkened for a moment.

Ji-Delicate-Three-Centimeters-Grass-Jiu suddenly felt strange, as if someone had been thinking about him. He sneezed ever so slightly.

This immediately dragged Si Yin Yuan out of his reminiscence. He gazed at Ji Jiu, his brows slightly furrowing. "Catching a cold?"

"No." Ji Jiu shook his head and then looked at the Peace Lily. "Can we eat it?"

The Peace Lily couldn't understand human speech but, at this moment, it keenly sensed a powerful pressure and fear, causing it to start wriggling, trying to escape from Guan Yin's hand.

Si Yin Yuan sighed. "No."

Then, in the blink of an eye, he handed Ji Jiu a tube of strawberry-flavored nutritional liquid before Ji Jiu could show a look of complaint.

With the nutritional liquid in hand, Ji Jiu finally stopped staring at the Peace Lily and happily began drinking it.

With the threat temporarily eliminated, the Peace Lily became motionless again.

Thinking about the miserable sight of those corpses outside, the former office worker, Guan Yin, felt a bit troubled holding this Peace Lily. He asked helplessly, "Do we need to take it back with us? But we didn't bring the cube up here."

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