Chapter 51

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Chen Zhaonian resumed his stumbling tone when they first met. The sharpness and gloominess just now disappeared as he lowered his guard.

He nodded: "Yeah, okay."

After saying that, he hugged the stone next to him tightly, with a look of panic.

The facial features outlined by simple lines on the stone look funny and sad at the same time.

Li Chao: "Did you send the help signal?"

Chen Zhaonian shook his head: "I don't know what help signal you are talking about, but if it was really sent from the island, I probably know the location."

Si Yin Yuan: "The help signal itself is not important, what is important is the content. Does it reveal that you received the message before the end of the world?" He increased his pre-apocalyptic

tone, and looked at Chen Zhaonian with eyes as cold as a pool, and his sharp eyes seemed to All dirt cannot be hidden.

Chen Zhaonian nodded honestly: "I do know something about the inside story, otherwise I wouldn't be here."

Si Yinyuan stared at his eyes behind his thick glasses, not finding any guilt in them, and then raised his chin slightly: "Continue ."

Unconsciously, he had all the initiative like a powerful king. Chen Zhaonian was completely unaware that he had fallen into Si Yinyuan's rhythm.

Hearing him say this now, he became even more nervous. It had been too long since he had talked to a normal person, which made his reaction slow down a lot.

Chen Zhaonian: "About four years ago, someone suddenly came to me and told me that the world was about to end. At that time, all civilizations would be desolate, and I only needed to pay money to avoid this disaster. They would build a Noah's Ark. ."

Money is the most useless thing after the end of the world, but before the end of the world, it is a panacea.

As long as you have enough money, you can indeed build a "Noah's Ark" before the end of the world.

However, with mankind's current technological capabilities, this Noah's Ark cannot withstand the continuous distortion of the earth.

The hunters present looked at each other.

Yu Feichen couldn't help but ask: "Do you who come to the island believe in the so-called Noah's Ark?"

Chen Zhaonian was stunned for a moment, and his expression suddenly turned red: "Then, those people promised us that they would come to us after the end of the world. Of course we couldn't completely believe them, so we made two preparations and fled to this private island a week before the end of the world, thinking to avoid the limelight first and wait until the disaster passed..." No one expected that this disaster would actually be real

. It's global.

Chen Zhaonian became more and more angry as he spoke, his chest heaving: "But they never told us that those so-called monsters! They are actually mutations of the original creatures on the earth!" He

fled to an island full of plants and wild small creatures, thinking that he was peaceful. A group of rich people who were safe in isolation were killed by their own cleverness.

Ji Jiu completely listened to his words as a story, huddled in the owner's arms with relish, and urged him while playing with the starfish: "Then what? Why are you the only one who survived?" The arrogant tone matched with the delicate face was perfect

. He was just a young master who was inexperienced in the world, and Si Yinyuan was the powerful financial sponsor who indulged him and spoiled him.

Everyone is already used to it. As long as you spend a few more days with them, you will know.

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