Party 3.O

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Shreya's Pov
After the cake cutting ceremony everybody were sitting in rounds to gossip so I went and stood with Viraj.Poor thing he was stuck in the middle of the gossiping aunties serving them cool drinks and cake so I called him and asked him to stand beside me and gave the refreshers to the servants.
"See look at her shamelessly standing there with that orphan"one of the gossiping aunties said.
"Ya she is not at all concerned about the reputation of her family"said the other aunty.
I very well knew that these aunties were talking about me and Viraj.I immeadiately went forward to teach them a lesson but Viraj held my hand.He told me that these aunties were waiting for us to say something so that they could bitch about us in the whole neighborhood. So I controlled myself .Viraj and I were very clear about our relationship we both are clearly friends and nothing else but the whole neighborhood loved to bitch about our pure relationship.
But one thing that I noticed was that He was boiling in anger from a distance hearing these aunties but He didn't say a thing against them ,but why ,He was always so active when it comes to such matters but what happened to Him today???
I was kinda mad at him.

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