Party continued....

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Vijay's Pov
How dare they????...How dare they?... How dare they insult Her like that...
And me I was a looser who couldn't take a stand for Her.
I was so pissed off. I know very well that she dosen't have any love type of feelings for that idiot Viraj.She is very clear about her relationship with that idiot and I know that very well.
I was glad that the party was over and those gossiping aunties went off or else my anger was out of control...
"Shall we go"asked Veera.
"Ya please"I told her..
All these things were so much for me today .
But I am happy, I am happy that I met Her today. Even her glimpse in a day  makes my day brighter...
If this is love I am more than glad to accept that I love her but I don't know what's in her mind...
My thoughts were interrupted by Veera.
"Bhai what are you thinking about" she asked me.
"N..nothing"I said stammering.
"Then please drive carefully"  she said.
I realised that I have taken the long cut and now it will take some more time to reach our house.
"Why God???Why am I like this???" I said to myself.

Viraj's Pov
I saw today that Shrey was behaving wierdly I don't know what happened to her.She was unusually a bit quiet today.
But the way she was about to burst out in front of the aunties was very unruly .I know that she cares about me and even I am very clear about our relationship but we aren't supposed to talk like that they are our elders and also those gossiping aunties were very desperate to listen to something that comes out from her mouth about our relationship so that they bitch about us all over the neighborhood .
I feel that she has a crush on someone...
Santosh uncle told me that I am the one responsible to find a suitable groom for her.
This is what I like about uncle he dosen't judge our relationship like the whole neighborhood does.
And today that Sadu Vijay was also behaving weirdly.I felt like he was constantly looking for something or someone.I don't know and why am I thinking about him of all the people in the party I am thinking about him .Why am I like this???I should think about something positive and go to sleep and not about him who is a walking negativity....

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