My Sister in Anguish

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Aurora felt the weight of what she had done like a thousand bricks pressing into the tops of her shoulders. She had stolen a life. Extinguished her inner fire like it had never been lit in the first place. 

She felt numb. The inside of her was humming loudly, vibrating her nerve endings like a hive full of angry bees. She barely paid attention as Lucius apparated them back to Malfoy manor. Wasn't sure if she had even given him a reply to his goodnight wishes. Her mind was stuck back at the house where that poor woman had lost her life. 

She gulped the air greedily as she struggled to tame the noxious roiling of her stomach. She could feel Lucius's gaze on her, but she couldn't concentrate on forming words. She wanted to reassure him that she was alright, except she didn't have it in her to lie right now. Aurora climbed the wooden stairs leading to the second level of the house.

When Aurora entered the shared room, she had fully expected Snape to be up waiting for her. However, he was nowhere to be seen. She felt mildly bereft by this revelation. Although he was not the best when it came to comfort, he would be better than nothing. 

She walked over to their bed and collapsed on the soft mattress. Aurora didn't even bother to get undressed as she slipped off her boots and laid back against the pillows. Snape had ruined her body, and was slowly twisting her mind, but the dark lord had tarnished her soul. Now that she had been sucked into the world that she had so desperately wanted no part of, she was losing herself.

Her decisions were not her own. Aurora had not wanted to hurt Muriel Whitby, had not wanted to watch as all the fight was tortured out of her. Aurora was fairly certain that had Lucius not put her under the imperious curse, she would have fled the scene entirely. 

Aurora was still suspicious of Lucius's motives. He had been flirting with her the past few days and had even given her a necklace, but why would he risk the dark lord's ire just to help her? She wanted to say it was because Lucius was not like the others, that he had a sense of morality that the other followers did not. Except she had seen the lustful look in his eyes when he had watched the mudblood being raped, and had seen him callously kick a helpless man to the ground. 

She was beginning to suspect that Lucius may have a deeper agenda than what she had initially assumed. Aurora wanted to believe that the older male was genuinely interested in her but it was becoming clear that it may just be wishful thinking on her part. 

She brought her hands up to her lips, she could still feel where Lucius had brushed his own softly against hers. Although he had done it while she was cursed, she still knew it should have never happened. If Snape were to ever find out about it, she would probably wish she was dead. She doubted he would care if she had not been in her right mind when it had happened.

Aurora was conflicted over her true feelings regarding the small press of Lucius's lips against hers. She was elated that he had done it at all, as well as disgusted by the fact that he had done it while a woman was being violated behind them. How could something revolt her and please her at the same time? Her feelings were becoming more complicated with each passing day.

A woman was murdered, by her hand, and while she would never be able to forget or forgive herself for committing the heinous act, Aurora could also not stop thinking about the stolen kiss. What sort of person did that make her?

She sighed frustratedly and pulled Snape's pillow down over the top of her face. She screamed loudly into the plush material, muffling her overwhelmed screech. Her mind was racing a mile a minute, and there was no doubt in her mind that she would not get to sleep easily tonight. She even wished for the company of Snape to distract her from the emotional turmoil of her mind. 

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