party- matt

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Your at a party with the triplets and a boy makes you uncomfortable, the next day you tell them all about it an they comfort you.

I have been staying with the triplets for a week now, while I'm in LA. My parents live in Boston.

I'm sitting at a counter, at a party with the triplets. There all off doing there own thing, "hey pretty lady, what ya doing all alone" a boy comes up to me , holding my waist. I flinch, "I have a boyfriend" he grabs my wrist. I try to pull back but his grip just gets tighter "that's what they all say, now why don't we go have some fun" he tightly pulls me up to a room. "MATT" I yell trying to get him to hear me, he locks the door behide him and pins me to the wall, he kisses my neck, I mumble as he shuts my mouth with his hand. I scream, but it just comes out as loud mumbles. He slowly starts taking off my shirt I grab is hand and scream. 15mins later, I have my shirt off and he had his off and he's kissing me still pinning me against the wall "BABY?" Matt yells, banging the door "MATT" I scream. I get out of the boys grip and run to the door quickly unlocking it, matt speeds in, "why the fuck u touching my girlfriend" matt says pushing the guy away. The guy leaves and matt comes close I flinch "hey baby it's ok" he says, I run from him. What can I say I'm frightened "it's ok baby I totally understand take your time" he walks out, "please don't go" I say to him "we're leaving grab ur shirt" he demands "ok" I cry. I grab my shirt and put it on, me and matt get downstairs and I hold him, not wanting to be around anybody. We grab the boys and get to the car, I sit in the front with matt. He holds me hand the whole way "u ok yn?" Nick asks as his hand is on Chris shoulder "yeah just a bit tired" my voice Cracks "WHY DID WE HAVE TO LEAVE SO EARLLYTT" Chris whines, "because Chris, yn wanted to leave so we did" he says still keeping a grip on my hand. We get back to the house and matt guides me upstairs "do u think we can cuddle?" He asks closing the door "yes" I say, I'm still freaked out but Matt's my boyfriend I can't just not talk to him anymore, right? We lay in bed and I cuddle up to matt he holds me tightly and I hold him back. The next morning I wake up still in the same position, just not in such a tight grip anymore. "Oh goodmorning Beautiful" matt says watching his phone. Nick and Chris walk in "can u guys tell us what happend last night?" Nick asks as he sits at the end of the bed. I agree and sit up, "OK so I was sitting at teh counter and a guy came, he grabbed me and took me upstairs I tried yelling but couldn't he locked the door and started kissing me, it felt like hours but it wad only like 20mins, he slowly took my shirt off and took his off eventually matt came an di escaped the guys grip to unlock the door. Oh an did I mention he had a VERY tight grip on me, so what I'm trying to say is I got sexaully assaulted last night so that's why we left and I'm sorry if I ruined the night but I couldn't Stay there knowing there's a pedo there, and I'm scared ok? So please keep ur distance" I spit out, they stare at me blank eyed and matt starts crying he grabs me "it's ok matt" I say holding his head as he's cuddled into my waist "I'm so sorry yn" Chris says starting to tear up. "Guys please don't cry" I say l, nick and Chris leave and matt sits up wiping his tears. "Baby I'm so sorry I wasn't there earlier I tried my best," he whines "matty it's totally fine atleats I didn't get r@p3d" I cry. Me and matt end up cuddling and talking the whole day and I get a but more comfortable around Chris and nick as they are my childhood besties.

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