Chapter Six: Sending The Message

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Malia's Pov

After the surprise proposal Wyatt set up for me we all decided to stay out there for a little while longer since none of us were tired.

Not to mention we're on break so we didn't have to worry about classes.

Emily ended up waking up from her nap and Wyatt had gone to get her and brought her out here so she could join the rest of us.

When we told her the news of Wyatt and I being engaged she was ecstatic and hugged both of us tightly, not wanting to let either of us go.

A few hours had gone by and everyone decided to call it a night.

It was getting pretty late and everyone was beginning to get tired.

When Wyatt and I said goodbye to everyone and they left we went to put Emily to bed.

She tried to argue with us saying that she wasn't tired and wanted to stay up watching T.V but we told her she needed rest.

That little girl was clearly still tired because the second her head made contact with her pillow she was out like a light.

Wyatt and I simply laughed in amusement before giving her a kiss goodnight before leaving to our room.

Well, I left to our room to get ready.

Wyatt said he was going to clean up and make sure everything was tidy downstairs before joining me.

I was currently in the bathroom putting my hair into a bun after I got changed, washed my face and brushed my teeth.

Just as I was done I looked down at my hand and smiled at the engagement ring that was on my finger.

I still can't believe it.

I can't believe that I'm engaged to the guy that I love.

I can't believe that I'm getting married to the guy that I love.

I can't believe we're soon going to spend the rest of our lives together.

I brought my hand up and gently kissed the ring before leaving the bathroom after turning off the lights.

I climbed into bed just as Wyatt walked in and went straight to the bathroom, no doubt to get ready since I was sure he was just as tired as I was.

I took out my phone and decided to just look through a few things and play a few games before going to sleep. 

Besides, I can't sleep without Wyatt.

A few minutes had passed and the bathroom door opened just as I set my phone down on the bedside table so it could charge in the middle of the night.

I smiled when Wyatt entered the bedroom wearing a simple white shirt and black sweatpants.

"Hey, babe" I smiled at him.

"Hey, baby. Why are you still awake it's getting late?" Wyatt asked.

"You know I can't sleep without you" I reminded him.

Wyatt chuckled and nodded before walking over to the bed causing me to scoot over in order to make some room for him.

"Well, thank you for waiting for me. As always" Wyatt smiled.

"You're welcome. Is Emily asleep?" I asked.

"Yeah, I checked on her before coming here. She was out like a light" Wyatt told me.

"And she said she wasn't tired" I laughed while shaking my head.

Wyatt chuckled before shrugging his shoulders.

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