Chapter Eight: Telling The Others

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Back In Seabrook
Malia's Pov

"WHAT?!" nearly all of my friends screamed in disbelief.

I winced in slight pain as I covered my ears, not uncovering them until I knew it was safe to do so.

So, you might be wondering what's going on.

Well, it's literally the day after I sent that message to my mother telling her that I will be returning to Auradon.

And I just finished telling my friends and my fiance the news.

And, as expected, they didn't take it very well.

They were all staring at me like I've just grown two heads.

I sighed and slowly uncovered my ears, feeling that it was safe, and because of that my friends immediately bombarded me with questions.

"What do you mean you want to return to Auradon?" Willa asked.

"Have you gone insane?" Wynter asked.

"To answer your question, Willa, yes I do want to return to Auradon. And to answer your question, Wynter, no I have not gone insane" I replied.

Wyatt stepped forward, nothing but disbelief shown in his eyes.

"Baby, have you forgotten that your ex-boyfriend, the boy that broke your heart and left you for some other chick, lives there. If you go there and he finds out he's going to want you back. Is that what you want?" Wyatt asked, clearly angry.

I sighed.

I should've known that this is how my fiance, it feels really good to call him that, was going to react.

But I want, I need, him to know that nothing is going to change.

He needs to know that Ben is nothing to me. Not anymore.

I stepped closer to my fiance and brought my hand up to cup the side of his cheek.

"Wyatt, don't think like that. I'm over Ben and I have been for a long time. I have you now and you're better for me than he ever was" I reassured him.

Wyatt frowned as he slowly took my words into consideration.

I can tell he was trying to make sure that my words were going to stick to his head.

It seemed to be working since I could see him beginning to calm down, but it's clear that he was still upset.

I sighed and stepped back from him as I turned to address my friends.

"Listen, I understand that this is crazy..." I trailed off.

"Understatement of the century" Elena said, raising an eyebrow at me.

"But I'm only going there for a visit. I want to see my family and friends again. I miss them. I miss my parents and I miss my sister. I want to tell them everything that I have been through, you all know I've got many stories to tell them. Not to mention I want them to get to know Emily since she is their family too" I explained.

I want my parents to meet their granddaughter, I want my sister to meet her niece and I want my friends to know Emily.

I don't want them missing out on my life the same way I don't want them missing out on hers.

My eyes then wandered down to my engagement ring.

A soft smile appeared on my face as I fiddled with it before looking up.

I turned my head around so that my eyes met Wyatt's.

"I also want them to know about me being engaged to the love of my life" I finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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