When a Top Meet a Bottom Part 2

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When a Top Meet a Bottom
Part Two

Ok, well, thank you, I just wanted a birthday spanking from my boyfriend, that's all, and you did a great job.

Thank you, come on, we need to get going.

She got up off him, and they jumped in his truck and drove off.

On the way in the car, they were both reflecting on what just happened.

I really appreciated you spanking me, Jeff. I hope that didn't make you feel uncomfortable or anything.

Oh no, I'm fine.

You know, I felt you get hard and get turned on when you were spanking me. Do you like that kind of thing. Do you have a kinky side?

Oh, well, I'm, ahmmm, well sure I got turned on giving you your birthday spanking, any boyfriend would, you know what I mean, ahmmm.

Jeff, you didn't answer my question, though. Are you into that kind of thing?

AHmmm, well, I kind of, I mean. . .

Well, you said your belt isn't for birthday spankings. What did you mean by that? You're into this spanking thing, aren't you. . .

She was really putting him on the spot, and he was feeling really nervous and embarrassed about.

Lisa, I enjoy giving what you asked for, I just wanted to please you, yeah, it was a turn-on and. . .

You feel uncomfortable talking about this out load so soon in our relationship, ah?

Well, it just came up, it's not that I'm uncomfortable, it's just, I mean, ahmm, can we talk about this later, say after the party?

Yeah, sure, I just want to throw it out and tell you.

Tell me what?

Well. I'm really into spanking. I'm not into chains or bondage or anything like that, just spanking. But I'm a big-time 100% certified spanko, and I super enjoyed my birthday spanking.

Letting a sigh, she exhaled deeply.

There I said it, I'm spanko, and I love getting spanked. And yeah, we can talk about this later cowboy. Just please don't judge me. Don't feel I'm some sort of spanko freak, ok?

There was silence for a few moments, and she moved her hand over and placed it on his leg. In hopes he read her signals right also.

I don't feel you're a freak. You're just asking too many questions too fast. We'll talk about this after the party, ok?

Letting out a big sigh.

Oh, thank you. I've been anxious about telling you ever since we started dating.

Well, we're going to be ok. Let just get through the party, alright?

They got to the party and had lots of fun. Lisa got the newest IPad table and other cool things. After the party, they left and got in his truck and were driving her back home.

She was all excited and playing with her new device. When he spoke up.

You're not the only spanko Lisa.

What, really, you mean I was right about you?

Yes, it's just that I never admitted it since my last girlfriend a few years ago. She like getting spanked really hard, and I learned I like to give them too.

Oh, what happened to her? Did you break up with her?

No, she was killed drinking and driving.

Oh, that's why you don't drink ah?
Well, that and we really aren't old enough.

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