When a Top Meet a Bottom Part 5

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When a Top Meet a Bottom
Part Five

Why don’t we put the spanking talk on hold for the rest of the day and watch a movie, ok?

In a pouting look she said.

Oh okay, but I’m ready to talk a out anytime and. .

I know, I know you definitely want to talk about me and my belt.

Yes sir I do.

He let out a chuckle and motioned with his head.

Come on let’s pick a movie.

Two week later they had been out jogging after she meet him in the early morning at his house. They got back to his back and shut the door he gave her a playful swat as she came in.

Owww, as she let out a little giggle.

You wait here while I take a shower.

Yes sir.

He took a shower got dress in jeans, his western belt and buckle and a Captain America tee shirt. He came back in the living room finding her still just in her spandex shorts and sport bra. She was on the couch drinking some Gatorade.

So, how’s your butt doing since your birthday?

Oh, just fine not a mark on me. Besides it wasn’t all that hard and I heal quickly.  So what you think maybe I get your belt today.

You are a persistent one aren’t you. But I was thinking about giving you a spanking and talk to about me using my belt in a few weeks if you really want. I just need to know we are on the same page on things before we go all in. I also really need see if you really are at the same level.

Oh I am, I am, and you can use it today if you want. I’ll show you.
Whoa, whoa there sweet heart, I said we need to talk some more first.
Hey, I got an idea. How about you paddle me with something today?

Do you want to paddle me, ah, ah?  As she gave him a flirtatious little grin.

Well maybe, now last time it was a birthday spanking . This wouldn’t be one of those, it would be closer to a real one if your game, I just need feel things out first. I mean we’re still learning about each other You know what I mean?

Ok, yeah, we can do that but it won’t be on the bare, remember, I want my first bare butt spanking from you to be. . .

With my belt, yeah, I know. I know. Now what do you remember last time I said if I ever use my belt.

Your belt, your rules. Oh, can we role play a little today?

Oh, that’s right you’re into that. Well. I’ve never done anything like that but yeah, I’m willing a try and go half way with you. But I’m not sure what I would use to paddle you with.

Oh that’s  easy, do you have a hairbrush?

He let out a chuckle and just gave her a funny look.

She saw his look and realized he probably wouldn’t have one.

AHmmm, yeah right, guess that was a funny question.

She looked around his place, glancing back and forth and saw a bamboo backscatter laying on the coffee table. She got up, walked over and picked it up felt it.

Hey, you can paddle me with this, if you want. I read about it this used before.

As she tapped it in the palm of her hand, making a slight smacking sound.

That’s just a backscatter that’s not a paddle.

She walked back to him and sat right next to him on the couch and gently took his hand and moved his fingers across the flat part of the handle.

See, you can use this side, it pretty flat, it’ll be like a ruler paddle. I read about it in a spanking forum website.

Have you ever been paddle with a backscatter?

No sir, but it seems we don’t we don’t have a lot of implements to choose from now do we.

No mam, I guess we don’t, but that thing may really hurt a lot even over you’re spandex shorts, that isn’t much protection, you know?

They went half way down to her knees but she didn’t have anything else underneath expect her bikini underwear.

Well, a spanking is suppose to hurt, beside, won’t make much of a difference when I start getting my all my spanking on the bare.

No, I reckon not. So what else do you remember about my rules about my belt?

You said, there wouldn’t be any warm up, there a wouldn’t be any counting either. You always spank on the bare?

Yup, yup, all true. Lisa, look at me.

She made I eye contact with him.

If a cowboy take off his belt, he means business. It means it isn’t going to be anything less than a real spanking. It won’t be a birthday spanking, not a play spanking, it would a real spanking. Just like when you were a kid and more. And, yes, I always spank on the bare when I give a real one. And you said you felt you were more hardcore than I was and. .

I am, I am, Jeff I meant it, as long as I’m not bleeding you could continue until I’m purple as far I’m concerned. I don’t want to freak you out or anything. And I certainly don’t expect you be as hardcore as I am but getting a real spanking from you sound so hot. Your probably feel I’m some sort of freak or. .  .

He placed his hand on hers.

Lisa, it’s ok, it’s okay. I’ve been afraid of telling you, until now. But I’m probably more hardcore than you. I may actually freak you out. I don’t have to go as hardcore as I like it either because I would never do or try anything without your full consent.

What you mean?

Well, let me ask you something is crying important to you when get spanked.

Well, it happens and most of the it ends up that way.  But I always keep from crying for as long as I possibly can. Does crying turn you off? I mean I know some guys are pretty squeamish about hearing a girl cry and . . .

He squeeze her hand.

Hay, hay, relax, just take a deep breath, calm down.

She exhales a few times.

No, it doesn’t turn me off, in fact, when I’m giving a spanking it turns me on greatly.

Oh, so you would like it a lot if I cried. Tell me how crying affects you and  don’t be afraid, I promise I wont be freak out.

Ok, here we go. Alright Lisa, when I give a real spanking especially when I take off my belt. I don’t consider the spanking to have even started until after you lose your composure. And I mean for real, not crocodile tears or fake crying. I mean complete loose it and crying and sobbing freely. You really want to know what turns me on about giving a real spanking?

Absolutely, what?

For to be able to keep spanking you completely surrender to it.
Okay, tell me what you mean?

Well, it’s like a like a sprint-marathon. You know in spanking stories and videos how they always like to end the spanking.

Yeah, they usually like to finish with a grand finally real hard and really fast for a few second or sometimes for minute or so. It’s the “drive it home” set. My ex did that a lot.

Yeah, well with me it’s the opposite. I like to give a started set.
A starter set?

Shock and awe beginning. It starts out rapid-fire from the first swat up until you lose your composure. And I mean it starts off instantaneously really fast and very hard. 

You mean it starts off right away with maximum intensity?

Yes, then I continue until you break down lose your composure and start crying for real.

And after that, you still keep going or do you stop?

Well, then like to continue to just spank and spank for a real long time while you are sobbing and crying under me. Now, I do back off some and start giving medium force swats. I fall into a semi quick but even pace. The swats aren’t slow but there aren’t as fast and furious like the starter set. Just hard and quick enough to keep you crying.  Now, no I’m not into breaking the skin either so if that ever did happen, even accidental, it would stop immediately. I may be hardcore but I’m not into that kind of thing. But, yes, I absolutely love to hear crying and sobbing while I’m spanking away. For me that’s what turns me on from giving a spanking. After I decide to stop, I love loved to hold you while you are bawling and sobbing it out in my lap. But once I start, I’d want completely control of the spanking. I would decide when it stops and I usually  won’t feel like stooping for a very long time after it starts, especially if I use my belt. There is no specified number or whacks either. It’s not like a birthday spanking. It would truly be a real unlimited swat spanking. Now if that is a little too hardcore for you, I completely understand, and it only fair that you tell me. And don’t get me wrong. I’m also just fine with spanking you like I did on your birthday with a specified number of swats and doing fun spanking too. But I’m not going to lie to you either, I’d really love to start spanking you on the bare ass, it looks so beautiful and love to see it in all its glory. And you won’t have anything to worry about because I promise, I wouldn’t never trying any sexual or do anything you didn’t agree with beforehand. I promise. I know your saving yourself and I respect that. It’s just it would be more fun to be spanking you on . .

She got up enough to straddle his lap on the couch. She moved her finger over his lips.


Then leaned into him bring her cleavage in her sport bra so really revealing and gave him a long passionate kiss. She pulled away and sat up on his lap and picked at his belt buckle with her finger.

So, if you use this it’ll be a real one leaving me bawling and sobbing beyond words, ah?

That’s right, it’ll be a real one just like when you were a . . .

A child and than some, right?

Yup, it’ll just be an adult equivalent but you’d have to consent to before I ever pull it off because.  .

She pressed her pelvis into him and leaned into him a little.
. . .because I wouldn’t be in control ah?

As she let out a deep breath getting turn on just thinking about it. She felt him get hard as he readjusted himself a little and her position.

That’s right and no safe word and it no protection  it would start. .

On the bare, ohhh yeah, I know, I know, on the skin of my behind, right?

As she pushed in on her pelvis again against him again.

Yes mam, if a cowboy gives a real spanking it’s always start and end on the bare.

She sat back down on his lap. Exhaled and tried to calm down.

You just can’t make fun of my behind when you do.

Just why would I make fun of it.

Because it’s so tiny and my skinny legs. . . .

You have nice round bottom, yeah it maybe small but it’s also muscular and firm. I think its beautiful.

There was silence for a few moments.

So do I get to see your bare butt today?

You going to use your belt?

No mam, I don’t feel we are ready for that, I mean I want you to really think about it. And I need to know if you really are at the same level as me. But I’d still want to spank you today though.

Oh I see, like a test? So you said this will be like a real one, right?

Well, yeah, not so much a test but I’m being cautious, yes. I’m making sure it’s all going to be consensual especially since you don’t want to use a safe word.

Ok, so what did you have in mind? And remember no belt the first time, no bare, but after that, than you decide.

Fair enough, you sure you want me using that backscatter it’s made of bamboo?

Well, it won’t break and my short are only spandex so it’ll still feel like its bare, they are really thin, no much protection as you pointed out.

Ok, have you ever had a timed spanking?

What like a count down timer?

Yeah, I set my count down timer app and I just paddle you until it goes off. But there wouldn’t be any specified number of swats, you’ll get as many as I give you within that time.

Oh, ok, and let me guess, you won’t be giving me slow swats either, would you?

And just how did you guess that?

Women Institution. It just seems like that’s the kind of spanker you are.

See we are getting to know each other, now aren’t we?

Guess we are, so what you have in mind?

Well, this will be very much like a real one, no specified number of swats, no warm up either, it’ll start in right away instantaneously with maximum intensity. You might want to reconsider your no safe word policy,  these ones are going hurt.

Oh, I see you want to see if I am really willing to take it ah?

Yup, but it would immediately stop when the timer is goes off, but only if you agree it. 

How long?

Well, I was thinking about getting a dice cubes and you roll. The minimum would be 1 minute nonstop and the maximum would be is 5 minutes nonstop. Medium force and maximum intensity as a test.

Sounds like a challenge to me. She said kind of excitingly.

Well, ok, yeah, a challenge than, what do you?

She gently grabbed his face and kissed him again.

You’re on! I just have to hold out until the timer goes off, oh man, this sound exciting!

Now, this is going to be different, I mean it, it's going to be instantaneously.  .

Maximum intensity but medium force. Yeah, I know, I know, you just want to see if I really am willing take it before you feel comfortable taking your belt off in couple of weeks, ah?

Well, yeah I guess that a good way of putting.

She took his hand and pulled his first finger out and drew an x on her chest right over her cleavage of her sports bra.

I get it, it’s all good. Cross my heart and hope to cry, make sting in my behind.

He let out a chuckle.

Oh you’re a cute little spanko aren’t you? Ok let me see that thing again. What side do you want me to use.

She picked it up and showed him again.

You want to probably make sure you use the flat part of the handle here.

She slid his fingers back and forth on the flat part of the handle again like before.

He lightly popped her bottom.

Ok, sounds good. Let’s get up.

They both got up.

Ok so you mind me taking charge because I believe a spanking is also about being obedient and submissive don’t you?

She gave him a flirtatious look at winked at him.

No sir, I don’t mind. Yeah, what do you want me to do?

He gently took her arm and led her to the furthest corner of the room.

Ok, I want you stand in corner for a few minutes.

Wait what? The corner?

Yup, your going to stand in the corner for me? You said I was charge and I’m pretty positive this isn’t a new concept for you.

Putting her head as she let him led her there.

No sir, it isn’t new. But how long?

Good, until I call your name, I have some dice in my room, I’ll be right backs but I want your forehead against the two walls in the corner. Understand!

As he sounded a little more assertively. As he gave her a light swat on the behind, scooting her into the corner. She snapped to inside when she felt the light pop and heard him speak so assertively. She felt a surge of endorphins.

Ohhh, Yes sir! Yes sir!

He came back and set everything up at the table. She in the corner but her head was away from the walls.

No, Lisa, I want your forehead against both walls and your hands in front of you!

She stomped her foot a little, trying to defiant but complied.

Yes sir!

He rolled the dice, she heard it roll on the table.

This will decide how long you stand there. He rolled a three. He set his countdown timer app for three minutes.

How long? She said as she was rolling her forehead against the walls.

My phone is on vibrate in my pocket put I set the alarm, so not until I say you can.

He left her in the corner rolling her forehead against the walls.

Is it time yet? She asked in a whining tone.

You just keep your forehead against the walls, and your hands in front of you, you hear?!

Ohhhh, yes sir!

It finally vibrated he took it and disabled it.

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