Chapter 4 - Out of Reality

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Ash and Larry kick open the door together to see all the prisoners going frantic. They managed to break down the door and head up to the Council of the Omniverse.

ASH: Better get a move on.

Ash and Larry run upstairs and see the prisoners have already started demolishing the room and the members. Captain America and James Bond have already been killed.

Brisco County Jr., Mayor Shelbourne, Jack Forrest, Coach Boomer, and Earth-96283 Mysterio all run towards Owen Grady and trample him to death.

RoboCop, Rambo, Predator, Terminator, and Xenomorph all run towards Neytiri. The Xenomorph picks her up with its tail and sprays acid on her as the other three shoot.

ASH: Jesus Christ, it's a fucking massacre.

LARRY: I expected nothing less from these folks.

Rey Skywalker picks up tons of the people and slams them to the ground. She then pulls out her yellow lightsaber and begins to fight. She swings around almost aimlessly, getting rid of as many of the prisoners as possible.

Many of the other prisoners have made their way upstairs. Destroying everything in sight.

LARRY: I'll be right back!

ASH: Where the hell are you going?!

LARRY: Just one minute.

Ash is suddenly pounced by a Xenomorph. He kicks it off and and cuts it with his chainsaw, using Captain America's shield to block the acid blood.

He turns around and strikes the Predator, killing it. The Terminator and Rambo end up fighting each other. Terminator wins without even trying. Terminator then turns to face Ash. As he's about to blow Ash's head off with a shotgun, he's suddenly crushed. By Rey Skywalker.

REY SKYWALKER: I understand what I've done. I'm... I'm sorry, Ash. I truly am-

Rey is then stabbed by RoboCop from behind, killing her.

ASH: Oh, you, ugly hunk of junk.

Ash picks up Rey's lightsaber and slices RoboCop in half. The room is now empty. The prisoners are either dead or in another room. Larry comes running back.

LARRY: I made you this list. It's a list of different earths with different Necronomicons and what they mean. You'll need three of them. I put them in order of when you need them.

Jack Dawson walks out from behind the seats.

JACK DAWSON: Larry Daley. We trusted you, and you betrayed us. You. Betrayed. US!

Jack Dawson then removes all the water from Larry's body. Not only revealing he has aquatic powers, but killing Larry in the process.

ASH: Larry! You son of a bitch.

Ash runs up to Jack and uses the chainsaw to cut him in half, starting from the head.

Ash is out of breath. He sits down to take a break. All of a sudden, the entire building starts shaking.

ASH: Ah, give me a fucking break would ya?

The shaking continues until... it stops. No movement.

ASH: What was that about?

Ash opens up the paper that was given to him by Larry Daley. It explains the three Necronomicons he needs, what he needs them for, and what order they must be read in.

ASH: "The shaking you felt was likely the omniverse breaking open due to the Council being killed. All those people you saw have just been launched across the omniverse. And please remember that this is an omniverse. There are an infinite number of you's and people that look like you. So don't freak out if you see them."

Ash folds the paper and puts it in his back pocket.

ASH: I've seen different versions of myself already, kid.

Ash mounts his multiverse-traveling unicorn, re-attaches his chainsaw, and prepares to take off.

ASH: Let's kick some ass and take some names, shall we?

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