Chapter 6 - Belly of the Beast

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MIA: What the hell are you talking about, Ash?

ASH: To put it not so simply, we need three necronomicons. We had the one already so that's marked off the checklist. The third one we get will send any and all multiversal trespassers down to the depths of hell.

MIA: Why hell?

ASH: Hell exists outside of reality. If we send them back to their universes while IN reality, it could collapse the entire multiverse. I don't make the rules, kid, I just follow 'em... sometimes.

MIA: Okay well you mentioned that was the third book. What about the second one? The one we're about to get?

ASH: This is the one I use in hell to send everyone home. So that's why for this to work, we all need to be down there.

MIA: So you're saying if I stayed back where you found me I wouldn't be going to hell?

ASH: That's right but you chose to tag along.

Mia hits Ash in the shoulder.

MIA: You bitch! Why didn't you tell me before we left?

ASH: Didn't think it really mattered. Plus, I could use some serious help on this one.

Ash and Mia arrive to their next destination. A mist-covered forest. Ash looks down at the saddle on Uni.

ASH: Earth-418122514.

Ash removes his chainsaw and attaches it to the saddle of Uni. Mia jumps off.

ASH: Hey where are you going?!

MIA: I'm gonna take a walk. Go do what you have to do while I clear my head.

ASH: I really don't think you should be out here alon-

MIA: I can handle myself!!

ASH: Okay then.

MIA: Come back when you're done I'll be here.

ASH: Whatever you say, captain.

Ash rides off into the forest towards the city... towards the ocean.

As he's riding, he sees a bright light in the forest. He heads over to investigate. He sees a man in a red and black leather suit being pulled through a portal.


The mystery man is then pulled through the portal, which closes afterwards. Ash sighs.

ASH: I would give my other hand just for one normal day.

Ash shakes his head thinking he's crazy. But he keeps on riding towards the ocean. They get to a certain point where they can see the ocean. Ash pulls out two sticks of dynamite.

ASH: Stole these from Mia's pockets. Woman is loaded with weapons.

Uni neighs.

ASH: Now according to Larry, the book in this universe is in the belly of a beast. A beast in the sea.

Uni neighs again.

ASH: Man, I wish you could talk.

Ash rides down to the beach and asks people about this monster in the sea.

ASH: Do you happen to know about a... monster? In the sea.

BEACH BRO: Oh great, another conspiracy nut. There's no monster, bro. Now back off.

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