Chapter 8 - Face Your Own Demons

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Mia lands down in the depths of hell and Uni soon follows. She walks around while holding the book looking for anything. Nothing. Just an open field. She continues walking and sees silhouettes. She squints her eyes to get a better look. It's an army of all kinds of deadites, including digital deadites.

MIA: Holy shit.

Mia starts backing up slowly and and runs into something. She turns around to see a zombie-fied version of Ash Williams.

EVIL ASH: Give me the necronomicon!

Evil Ash swings his arm in attempt to grab the Book of the Damned out of Mia's hands. She dodges and cuts off his arm with the chainsaw.

His arm immediately regrows. He pulls out a sword and swings at Mia but she blocks it with the chainsaw. They hold in that position for a few seconds, staring at each other through the weapons. They push each other away and Mia swings at Evil Ash, cutting off his leg causing him to fall to the ground.

Like his arm, it regrows. He then swipes the necronomicon out of Mia's hands.

MIA: No!

EVIL ASH: Good luck getting out of hell now.

Evil Ash turns around and mounts his horse. He puts his sword back in his scabbard and stands in front of an army.

MYSTERIOUS MAN: She's not gonna need any luck.

Mia looks over and sees a man in full knights armor. He lifts up his helmet revealing his face.

LARRY DALEY: She's got me.

EVIL ASH: You and what army?!

LARRY DALEY: You'll see.

Cracks begin forming in the sky, causing everyone to look up. People start dropping down.

JACK SPARROW: Hello, good sir.

EVIL ASH: And you are?

JACK SPARROW: Jack Sparrow. Captain Jack Sparrow.

A few more people drop down from the sky.

STEWIE: What the HELL are we doing here, Brian?

BRIAN: Couldn't tell you, Stewie. Couldn't tell you.

A roar is heard from the background. Everyone turns to the direction of the roar to see Godzilla and King Kong running over.

EVIL ASH: What is this madness?!

LARRY: Your worst nightmare.

SAM FLYNN: This doesn't look like the grid.

SHELDON COOPER: How likely am I to die here?

BEN WYATT: With us, no chance.

An endless amount of people continue to show up, creating an army. Mia mounts Uni, leading the multiversal army against Evil Ash and the deadites.

Someone else runs to the battle.

PERCY JACKSON: Did I miss anything?

JOHN McCLANE: Nothing yet, kid.

Mia holds her chainsaw in the air and Evil Ash holds up his sword.

MIA: Chaaaaarge!

Everyone on both armies charge towards each other at full speed. They all start fighting.

John McClane shoots multiple deadites as Percy Jackson creates a tsunami and pushes it towards the army. Earthworm Jim uses his space gun to kill about 10 deadites.

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