Chapter 7 - Guns a-Blazin'

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Ash boards Uni and rides back to the forest.

ASH: Mia!

MIA: I'm over here!

Ash rides over to where her voice came from. He sees her in the distance.

She sees Ash covered in blood and guts.

ASH: A little help would've been nice.

MIA: The hell happened to you? I thought you died.

ASH: Part of me wishes I did. Come on, we gotta go.

MIA: No, tell me first. What happened? I'm curious.

ASH: Curious? About me? Well, to put it short, I had to fight three floating skulls inside of a giant deadite sea monster, then blow up the monster with the dynamite I stole from you.

MIA: That was you? I thought I just left it.

ASH: I would've died without it.

Mia jumps onto Uni.

MIA: Don't you have to read the spell?

ASH: This one's for later, honey.

Uni begins running and they disappear out of thin air.

They all appear on another earth in the woods.

ASH: Another woods? Really, Larry?

Ash looks down and checks the map.

ASH: Earth-818793. Apparently we time travelled too. The year is 1792. There's nothing but woods for miles and our destination will probably take about 45 minutes to reach.

MIA: Let's reach it then, old man.

ASH: Giddy up!

Ash and Mia ride further into the forest.

MIA: Hey, Ash?

ASH: What's wrong?

MIA: Nothing, I just... do you think there's anything for us in life.

ASH: Sweetheart, I think I've seen everything life has to offer.

MIA: That's not what I mean. I mean will either of us ever have a normal life again?

Ash stops Uni from running.

ASH: What's the point of this?

MIA: I'm just trying to have a conversation with you. God there's no need to be such an asshole all the time.

Ash sighs and looks down in disappointment with himself.

ASH: I had a normal life for nearly 20 years. Then this damn book comes in and ruins everything for me. Multiple times! There's no such thing as a normal life for people like us, kid. We're destined to be certain people and God help us all if we don't live up to it. Listen, if all goes well, and no promises that it will, but if it does, everything will be back to normal for you.

MIA: I fuckin' hope so.

ASH: Obviously, we're a lot alike. So I hope the same can be said for me.

They continue riding down the forest until they approach an old building made of bricks.

ASH: There's something you need to know.

Mia looks at Ash concerned.

MIA: What?

ASH: When I read this spell to send all Omniversal trespassers down to Hell, I'm not gonna be coming with you.

MIA: What? Why not?

ASH: I have a plan but I'm still not sure if it'll work. I don't even know if I have the balls to do it.

MIA: Just tell me, Ash.

ASH: This earth we're on now. Is my earth. And this spell only sends down the people who aren't on their earth.

MIA: So what's your plan?

They walk into the abandoned building and see the book on full display. Ash walks over and picks it up.

ASH: We were talking about that life stuff earlier. I feel like my life has been leading to this very moment.

MIA: Better make it count.

ASH: I'm gonna have to... to kill myself.

MIA: What?

ASH: Earth-818793. That's my earth. This spell only sends the people who aren't on their own earth.

MIA: Is there no other way?

ASH: There's no other way. Let's just hope I don't end up in Heaven having to fight the big man in the sky.

Ash opens the necronomicon and finds the spell. Ash then hands her the second book they found. The book that will send everybody home.

ASH: Read this when you get down there. You and everyone else will be sent home. The deadites will be stuck there forever, putting an end to all of this shit.

Mia nods.

MIA: I got it. I'll do my best.

ASH: That's what we're built to do.

Ash reads off the spell.

ASH: See you on the other side, kid.

Mia and Uni disappear, being sent down to Hell.

Ash grabs his gun and sits down.

ASH: Time to bite the bullet.

Ash pulls the trigger of his shotgun, killing himself.

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