Chapter 9 - Hail to The King

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Ash, Mia, and Uni all walk to the room of the Council of the Omniverse.

MIA: So what do we do now?

LARRY: The prophecies say exactly what's next.

Ash turns to face Larry Daley.

ASH: Larry!!

Ash and Larry share a hug.

ASH: How the hell did you get back?

LARRY: The omniverse works in very mysterious ways.

Larry hands Ash a book.

ASH: What is this? Another fuckin' devil book?

LARRY: No. It's the prophecy. Turn to page 1047 and read it.

Ash opens the book and reads it. He looks up at Larry with a stunned expression.

ASH: I can't take this, Larry.

LARRY: You have to. Go sit down.

Ash walks over to the chairs that the Council of the Omniverse sat in. He sits in the newly installed middle seat and puts his arms to the side. Larry then walks out with a bag.

ASH: What's in that bag.

Larry walks closer to Ash and opens the bag and pulls out a crown.

LARRY: A crown, for the new King of the Omniverse.

Ash takes the crown and places it on his head. Larry then sits to the left of him. He looks over at Larry and then looks over at Mia, who is sitting to his right. He then looks forward and he begins to smile.

ASH: Hail to the king, baby.

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