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My name is Latasha I'm 19 I live by myself in a condo my mom got me as a graduation present. My dad got me a black Cadillac. I'm in collage and I'm a stripper. Only to pay for tuition. Typical stripper story. For the record I don't fuck no randoms. In fact the last person I was with is in jail now so I'm done with that shit.

I got my girl Latoya. She's my ride or die. She was with me through thick and thin. I was there when her mom died she was there when my grandma died. She the best friend anybody could have and I love her the most. Well other than my brother.

He's really my cousin. But I love him like a brother. My mom and my dads sister are best friends. When my aunts husband kicked her out of his house. They had came to stay with us. His name is Quincy but I call him Q.

Then there's my home boy Drew. We been kicking it since the 7th grade. We've always been those friends that can do anything together. Do get me wrong we never went any further than peaks and shit. Though the occasional grope is still there.

Right now I'm going over to my girl house. She want to tell me about what's going down tonight. Its Friday so we bouta turn the fuck up. I took the key from under the mat and unlocked her door. I walked in and walked straight to her bedroom. Knowing this bitch never know what to fucking wear. She was coming in her room as I walked in and she jumped.

"You scared the shit out of me." She said puting on a oversized t-shirt.

"So does that nasty ass weave you got in yo head." I say rolling my eyes at her.

"So what's up?"

"I don't know you called me over here."

"I want you to meet a new guy. I'm bringing him to the club tonight so make sure you look good."

"Bitch I always look good."

"Yeah you do now get going your shifts gonna start soon."

"Alright alright. But make sure he ain't a fuckboy."

"I got you girl."

"Sure you do."

We hugged.

"Give me the key."

I sigh and give it to her.

"I'll have to go back to knocking."

"Good next time I won't have a heart attack over yo ass."

I laughed and walked out to my car.


At the clue when I walked in my boss Jermaine came over to me and out his arm around me.

"Hey baby girl ready for another amazing show tonight?"

"Yeah I am. My girl coming over tonight it's gonna be on and poppin."

We made it to the girls dressing room and we stopped outside the door.

"So later I was think-" I cut him off.

"Let me stop you right there. Like I told you before this relationship is only professional. Plus you gon be a old man soon I don't want you looking like a pervert."

He laughed at me.

"You look at me like that?"

"Naw I'm just kiddin but you know how that go."

"True sorry I asked."

"It's cool bye baby boy." I wink at him and go in.

He's 25 going on 26 and him with a 19 year old would just look bad. On me and him so I just wanna keep that ship where it is. No if ands or buts about it.

My main (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora