So Newly Charming

426 22 2

[Y/n's POV]


Stu soon dropped me off at my house. I waved goodbye to him and he drove off. I walked into my house and walked into the living room. I saw Sidney sitting on the couch watching the news. Gale Weathers was on the screen talking about the murders. She was giving a run down of the killings and how the victims were gutted blah, blah, blah. She had given a name to the murderer, I'm not surprised. At least this time it's not boring. I'd heard a few people call him 'The Woodsboro Killer' which, in my opinion, is incredibly boring. Others must've thought the same thing because they thankfully took it back to the workshop. 'Ghostface.' I repeated in my head. I stood by the television a little longer to hear what else she had to say. Her speech soon transitioned into talking about Maureen's death. She was my mom up until last year, but I wasn't very close to her. Sidney switched the channel and had an upset look on her face. Yeah.. that's my queue to leave.

I walked up to my room and closed the door. I walked to my CD stacks and read the cases. I found one of my favorite CDs made by Stu. He had named it 'Topping Your Pizza' and I thought it was pretty funny. It was an inside joke between him and I.

I don't know how the conversation had gotten to where it was, but we had gotten to talking about whether we were a top or bottom. Y'know, normal stuff you talk to your friends about. Anyways, the pizza, mainly the toppings, that we were eating slipped into the conversation, and Stu made a joke that he could be the topping on my pizza. Don't ask me why he said that. Then Stu thought it would be the funniest thing to make the CD I currently had in my hands. He had written in parentheses underneath the title: For a great time ;).

'What a dumbass'. I thought. I let out a small laugh and put the CD on top of the stack and went back to searching the rest of the pile. I found my Dead Man's Party case and decided to play that again. You can never go wrong with Elfman. I popped open the case and put the disk into the player. After a second, the first song began. I took off my shirt and changed into pajama pants. I wasn't going anywhere and they were comfortable. I danced around my room, singing to the song.

I held my arms above my head and slowly shuffled my feet. I flicked my hands away from my body and moved my arms lower. I made sharp and quick movements, going along with the song. My dance party was interrupted by a knock on my door. I sighed and walked to the door. I turned down my music and opened the door. In front of me stood Sidney.

"What do you want?" I leaned against the door frame and crossed my arms.

"Tatum is coming to pick me up at 7, I'm going to sleep at her house." Sidney said.

"K." I closed the door, locked it, and walked back to my player. I turned the music back up and began to rock out again. I walked into the half-bath connected to my room and opened the cabinets underneath the sink. I found a few old makeup kits that I had forgotten to get rid off and decided to have some fun. I pulled them out and set them on the sink counter. I realized I had no idea what makeup look I should do. I walked back into my room and grabbed the CD case. I brought into the bathroom and chose which of the characters I would portray on my face. After a bit, I decided on a skeleton in the top left of the case. "Let's see if I can even remember how to do this." I opened a bag that had a shitload of brushes inside and I became overwhelmed. "Okay, one step at a time, what do I start with?" I asked myself.

I looked at the album cover again. I'd want to do black around my eyes and mouth as the very last step, so what is the first step? My worst enemy, proper order. I sighed as I was tempted to slam my head through the wall. 'The skeleton is white, so maybe I should cover my face in white powder? Nah, that'd look weird. Maybe use a shade or two lighter than my skin color? Sure, that'll work.' My thoughts argued inside my head. However, they had come to an agreement, so that's what I would do. I found some powder looking stuff a shade lighter than what my skin currently was and put some of it on my arm. 'Nope.' I grabbed something that was a shade lighter than what I had previously grabbed. I put it on my arm. 'Perfect.' I started to lightly cover my face with the powder.

|Make Me Scream| Stu x Trans Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora