This Night Will Be Repeating

371 17 1

[3rd Person's POV]



A young boy was awoken. He got out of bed and stumbled out of his room, his head dazed with sleepiness.

"Mom? Dad?" He whispered into the darkness. He walked across the hall to his parents' bedroom. He felt around, but the door couldn't be found. He kept walking and his hand touched a bed. That was the reason the door was hiding, it was already open.

He walked back through the hallway and heard noises from downstairs. He quietly walked down the large staircase, completely avoiding any creaky steps. There was a light on downstairs. Though it was dim, it aided the boy's travels. His socks padded against the carpet. He heard the soft cries of his mother and another voice, not his father's, nor his brother's. The boy cautiously walked to the room with the light. He thought it may have been the kitchen, but it was the living room. He hid behind the kitchen counter and peered around the corner.

He was stunned with fear at the scene before him. He saw his mother sat on the ground, pleading a mysterious man to release the boy's father. His father was in a choke hold by the mysterious man. He had a mask on his face and held a gun to the side of his father's head.

"Please! For the love of God, let him go! We have children, have some sympathy! We'll give you anything you want, please!" His mother cried out, tears streaming down her cheeks. The mysterious man thought for a moment, his grip never lessening.

"One million." He said in a gravely voice. Her eyes widened.

"We don't have that money, please, please, we'll give you five hundred thousand dollars, please, don't hurt him!" She begged.

"One million or I'm blowing the brains out of his head!" The man yelled.

"We don't have-"

In a quick flash, the gun went off. The boy watched as his father fell limp on the ground. A hole in the side of his head. Blood had splattered onto the floor beside his father's body, also drooling from the hole now in his father. His mother screamed and her sobs gained volume. The boy stumbled back and the man's gaze looked to him. He ran at the boy and tried to grab him. His mother screamed out the boy's name and snatched the man's clothed leg. He tripped over and fell face first onto the hard kitchen tile. He yelled curses as he dropped his gun. The boy ran back up to his room but bumped into someone.

"Woah, bro, what's going on?" The boy looked up to see his older brother. He began to cry as he hugged him. Another gunshot was heard and the boy's older brother scooped him up. He ran into their parents' room and locked the door behind them. He set the boy on their parents' bed and grabbed the phone on a nightstand. His eyes bugged out of their sockets as he shook. His breathing quivered as he dialed the number belonging to the police. He held the phone up to his ear and looked to the boy. "Look, we're gonna be okay, don't worry." He put his hand on the boy's shoulder. The boy wanted to feel safe, but he couldn't. He knew his brother would protect him at all costs, but this man had a gun, and his brother wasn't bulletproof.

"Matt, I'm scared." The boy said, his lip quivering. He held onto Matt's sleeve as more tears welled in his eyes and large droplets dripped down his face and into his lap.

"It's okay, you're gonna be okay. You are going to be safe." Matt tried to reassure. The worried expression occupying his face suddenly parted for a quick second. "Please help, we heard gunshots in our house. We live at ――." He said. A pause. "Me and my brother, our parents aren't with us. Please send help right now." He spoke quickly, trying his hardest to keep his diction steady. He kept the phone up to his ear as his breathing regained balance.

Boom! Boom!

The loud sound of someone banging their fist upon the door. Matt rushed to his brother and held his hand over the boy's mouth.

"Shh.." He spoke quietly. Another round of banging. Then the doorknob began to twist. It stopped on the lock.


The gun yelled. Matt dropped the phone and grabbed the boy. He ran to the window and threw it open. He slid the boy out the window and onto the roof below the window.

"Go to the neighbor's house and wait there. The police will be here soon. They're going to keep you safe." The boy held onto his brother's arms as he found his footing on the roof. The doorknob twisted again and the door flung open.

"You'll meet me there, right?" The boy asked through his tears.

"Absolutely." Matt gave the younger boy the best confident smile he could muster. False confidence.


Blood splattered onto the boy's face as he stared at his brother. His breath caught in his throat as his eyes widened. Matt took in a heavy breath as he let go of the boy. He fell against the window sill as blood dripped from his mouth.

"Y/n.. run..." Matt began to slump down into the bedroom. Y/n cried and tried to grab his brother.

The man pointed his gun at the boy. Y/n stared at him, eyes widened, sadness and terror pooling his e/c eyes. The man stared into Y/n's eyes and with no signs of remorse, pulled the trigger.

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