Ninth chapter

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The first day of school began. I got out of bed tired and finished my morning routine and packed everything I might need, and I walked to the school. In the meantime, I wrote a message to Isabelle and Sophia that I was right there at the big tree where we always meet, but when I got there, they weren't there. I looked around for safety to make sure they were somewhere nearby only I hadn't noticed them yet, but they really weren't there. I looked at the messages to see if I really sent this message or something happened, but the message was sent as indicated by the white check mark in the blue circle. Both girls were written to be available. I called one girl and after the other.

"What the..." I sighed and I walked towards the school. When I saw them in the classroom, I didn't believe my eyes. They sat there in front of Maya, and they talked each other. I paused a little, but I gathered myself and walked towards them. Maya looked at me with a smug smile and the girls looked at me too.

"What does this mean?" I filtered between my teeth.

"Maybe they noticed what are you really like." Maya said smugly.

"I didn't ask you." I took a sharp look at her and looked at the girls who were sitting with their heads bowed sinfully where they shouldn't be.

"I'm sorry miss spoiled who is so cool and want to be that she can even steal from Gucci." All the students in the room listened silently to our quarrel. I stood there like a fool what should I say, for I knew that I couldn't explain myself from it. "What is this face? You don't read news? I wonder how your dad can bear to have a daughter like you." I headed towards her angrily and before I could do anything the teacher spoke up.

"Liz! Sit down!" He said and taking one last look to her, I headed back, where I lowered my head to the table.

The clock was moving very slowly now for some reason, and I felt more and more embarrassed and embarrassed.

The lunch break finally came which meant I had to go into the dining room. I started with my head bowed and sat down at the table. I knew everyone was looking at me without looking up. It had already occurred to me that throwing the lantern into a trash was causing so much trouble, but then I remembered Amanda and gathered all my strength to face the students. They looked away so I started to eat. It didn't take long for me to enjoy lunch alone because Maya and her team showed up. Behind them are Sophia and Isabell. You're having fun with me, aren't you?

"I'm sorry. May I ask for a little attention? Thanks. As you know, I have applied for the presidency of the student council, and I would like as many people as possible to vote for me." Maya said while she was standing in a table. I rolled my eyes. Can she do everything because the director is her father? Ridiculous. "I would like to add that someone who wouldn't know that my opponent is Liz Nelson who is sitting right there." She pointed at me, and everybody stared at me. I narrowed my eyes. I thought the good was just coming. "The innocent little Liz Nelson, who lives her daily life, but what happens suddenly?" She took a dramatic break. "She steals from a famous store just to show that she's the coolest here." In my anger, I reached for my bag, unzipped it, and looked at the lantern, which I refused to leave at home. "You want a person to be the president..."

"I want her to disappear. Please." I whispered while rubbing the lantern. The dining room was suddenly filled with silence, and everyone was looking at the place where Maya was standing. Who was nowhere to be seen. After a few seconds, there was a huge buzz and everyone was looking for the missing Maya. I started eating again with a smug smile. My heart almost popped out when Amanda appeared in a black leather jacket and leather jacket.

"You scarred me." I put my hand where I think my heart is.

"Second lesson." She started without response to what I said. "Don't wish in anger."

"I'm sure she's fine." I said with a smile but when I looked at her serious face the smile slipped from my face. "Is she okay, isn't she?" I frowned. She shrugged. "Amanda where is she?" I asked desperately.

"I have no idea. Maybe deep in the sea, maybe near a volcano or in Japan at the fish market." I watched the table with a fierce heart as to what I had done. I stood up as fast as I could grab my bag and ran out.

My class classes were missed as the teachers took into account that someone had just disappeared without a trace. The teacher said whoever was near Maya should stay in the classroom. I got up from my seat with trembling knees and headed home.

"Oh my god. What have I done?" I closed the entrance door. I kneeled on the floor and cried. After I gathered myself, I snuck into my room and cried myself to sleep. When I woke up, I heard the voices of strangers from the living room talking to my dad.

"Are you Liz Nelson?" One of the men asked. I nodded. "We need to be questioned about the disappearance of Maya Parkinson."

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