Eleventh chapter

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Zack was standing under my window in a white T-shirt and jeans while he grinned at me. I opened the window. He nodded toward his car and raised an eyebrow. My heart stopped for a moment and last time I looked back at the lantern. She's not important. I opened the window and climbed down the tree. Zack looked at me appreciatively.

"Good job." He smiled and he opened the car's door for me.

I paused for a moment and wondered if it was a good idea for this yet I got in knowing what was next. I looked out the window thoughtfully and if I wanted to if I couldn't remember what had happened before. The rumble of the car stopped which meant we arrived at his house. He quickly untied his belt and kissed me. His lips weren't as soft as Amanda's, which I didn't like. He untied my belt and pulled me on his thigh. He doesn't smell of lavender. He touched my bare skin under my T-shirt.

"Wait!" I bowed away from him, and I pulled his hand out of my t-shirt.

"What's wrong?" He asked and he tried to put his hand back on, but I grabbed his wrist and looked at me angrily.

"Why now?" I asked.

"What?" He frowned.

"Why only now Zack?" He smiled.

"Why does this matter? We'll talk later." He leaned toward me, but I hit his face. He stroked the place of the hit with his mouth open, but he wasn't angry. "I think it's a no."

"Why Maya?" I looked down.

"You should be glad she's not here now. Isn't that what you wanted? I'm just yours, Liz. Take the opportunity." He whispered.

"Why?" I looked at him angrily and a tear rolled down from my eyes in anger.

"Do you really want me to say it? I think you know the answer. Just look at her." He smiled. I looked to the side and sat back in the mother's seat, and I was already walking home. When I got home, I lay down on the bed. There was an opportunity, and I didn't take advantage of it. We both knew it would be a one-time event, yet something stopped.

"Maya." I slapped my hand with my fist and closed my eyes.

The next day at school, classes were the same, but everyone was talking about Maya. A few days later, it turned out that Maya was South Florida, meaning the police had found her there. When it turned out it was as if a rock had rolled off my chest. They said he would come to school in a few days. I happily went home to tell Amanda this when I couldn't find the lantern anywhere at home.

"Where's that crap?" I moaned and went into all the rooms looking through all the closets and places where I could.

"Liz, could you do it quieter? What are you doing?" My mom asked.

"I'm searching for something."

"Between the pots?" She frowned.

"I don't know where it is." I mumbled.

"Maybe if you're not looking for it you will find it accidental." She shrugged and walked out. I angrily arranged everything back.

A loud door knock signaled that Dad had also arrived and I heard his phone ring.

"Hallo. Yes? What?" He laughed. "It's definitely just a joke, check it out again. Don't joke with me it's not funny." He screamed. "This can't be true! What did you do you idiot? How did all my money go?" I got my head towards the door and the feeling of recognition flooded me. Tell me I'm thinking wrong. I stood up and walked into Dad's office. "Not now!" He said nervously without looking at me. He typed something on his laptop and then stared at the screen. "This can't be possible!" He exclaimed and ran angrily past me. I went closer to the table. The laptop showed Dad's company details.

"The total cost of the company is... zero?" I mumbled to myself. I was shocked, and my heart was pounding. I went out of the room in shock into my room.

After a few minutes I heard a loud hum. Since it didn't go away, I looked out who was that. In a black top open car were Isabell Sophia Zack... and Maya. It surpassed everything that Maya that she looked at me with a grin and lifted the lantern. I opened my mouth. I ran down the stairs quickly and ran out in front of the house, but all I could see was the receding shape of the car.

"Bugger!" I shouted.

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