Farewell Uzumaki Boruto

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The light was cleared and also the dust . Naruto and Sasuke stood their shocked. The attack was disappeared and everyone was safe . Sarada who was still with sakura remembered the last word boruto said to her Sara I will not let the village be destroyed even if I had to die . Goodbye sara and don't forget I Love You . Everyone rushed towards the place where boruto was last standing. They all saw that the place was no where to be found. The place where boruto stood went down due to the impact of the attack. Naruto and Sasuke were searching for boruto. They removed a rock and saw boruto lying there . His body was covered with blood and he was heavily injured . Sarada rushed towards boruto and sat beside him as she said " Boruto !! Please wake up!! I Love You Boruto please don't leave me alone" but boruto was still . Sakura went towards boruto and checked him and she said to everyone present their " Sorry everyone boruto is no more " . The words pierced through the hearts of everyone standing there . Hinata also rushed towards boruto as she was crying badly as she said " Boruto you just came back to us 3 days ago and now why did you leave us again" . Boruto was still . Naruto lifted boruto in his arms and started to take him to the hospital. Sarada was crying on sasuke's chest . Sasuke also felt sorry . He whispered Boruto you promised to protect sarada with your life and you did it without hesitation. You were a true shinobi and also true lover .

The next day....
All the villagers including Boruto's old friends and his family came . Boruto was lying in his grave . Naruto came forward as he said " Boruto Uzumaki was a great shinobi . He saved the village with all his strength and never thought of himself. He was the one who should be truly admired . "
Boruto was buried with his friends and family standing devastated. His family was in tears . Hinata came forward and kissed boruto's forehead . Himawari placed flowers on top of boruto's grave . Naruto came forward and kissed boruto's forehead.

Days passed but boruto's memories kept all of them sad and devastated. Sarada was in her room thinking about the first day she met boruto when they were merely kids . Boruto's proposal to her and also at last boruto's death to save the village. Boruto was remembered by everyone. Naruto took off from the post of hokage for a few days for his son's mourning.
Himawari looked determined and devastated. She thought about the days they both played as kids . Boruto's touched on her hand . His caring attitude towards everyone.
Hinata thought about the day boruto was born . She thought about how many times boruto told her  I love you mom . Naruto was also in boruto's thoughts thinking how boruto used to call him old man how boruto's mischief caused him trouble and finally how boruto sacrificed himself to save everyone he loved everyone he cared about .

In the village where everyone was mourning Boruto's loss. Boruto on the other hand was in a place between life and death . Boruto saw a figure in his front as he asked him " Who are you ? And where am I? The figure replied " Boruto don't fear . You are dead in your real world but you are now in a place between life and death. You can return to your world when your training is complete here . Boruto just nodded. I will teach you some special jutsu I will teach you how you can control your jougan to it's fullest limit . Your karma will be made pure and you will surpass everyone in your world in terms of power but how you use your power is upto you . Here you will train only 6 months but every month here is equal to 1 year in your world. That means if you stay here for 6 months your real life will be 6 years ahead and you will return to your world around 24 years of age the real age which should be in your world and then you can live their happily and boruto agreed

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