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The basement floor is dank and wet. I stopped shivering from it days ago. I've grown used to it's cold embrace. I will fall in and out of consciousness a few times every day, but if i'm being honest I cannot even tell how much time has passed. It could be hours or weeks and I would not have a clue. I've gotten to the point where the hunger doesn't affect me. My stomach grumbles yet again and I don't even bother to move from my position. The slop they bring me should be here any minute, if I am correct about my timing of them.

I don't know who "they" are, but they sure do know who I am. They jeer at me with their cruel and raspy voices beneath their hoods. I pleaded and begged with them at first, but when I realized they wouldn't respond to my cries, I gave up. If anything, they enjoyed my suffering. 

So since the first few hours after I arrived in my current cell, I have stayed on the floor, unmoving. I have noticed at least 15 cracks in the dark, cement wall. 39 mysterious splatters. 26 of them a dark brown - it must have been dried blood. 13 of them were a lighter color, I can't quite decipher.

How did I get here? I think to myself.

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