The Offer

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I fell asleep at work again today. But I didn't dream of running. Running in those tall trees, with the thick canopy of leaves above me, and the wild roots that were out to get me. With the man in the cloak. I think of it time and again, such a peculiar thing to dream, but It has recently been replaced with dreams of Him.


It's ridiculous, It's been over a week since our... encounter, and we barely even exchanged any words. But part of me feels like with him, words don't matter. His eyes talked much more than his mouth did those several days ago. But then again, I am probably just like every other delusional girl who sees a gorgeous, and likely unattainable man. Making up things I want to believe. Pretending he looked at me with lust in his eyes. Dreaming of him...

In my dream, we were riding on his motorcycle again. My arms wrapped tight around him, I can feel the rock hard muscles beneath my hands, and he takes one hand off where he is steering and grasps my hand with his own. It enveloped mine, and I felt him squeeze my hand slightly as we rode on. It felt endless, that ride. I could have been on the back of that motorcycle forever. The revving of it's engine, so powerful, just like Kane-

And then I woke up.

I swear I still hear that revving of the motorcycle engine throughout the next few minutes after I wake up. A new way my mind has found to torture me. But I'm back to reality now.

Back to my drab day of making calls, and then paperwork, and then more calls. The fluorescent lighting of the office made my skin a dull, pale color. The array of gray cubicles in my vision blurs my eyesight in and out of focus. All I hear all day in the clacking of computer keys, the chewing of gum, and the monotone chatter of people on the phone. While on the phone with a client who talks so slow my brain stops functioning, I come to the realization that I can't do this anymore.

I can't do this anymore. I did not move from a town so small that it wasn't on most Washington state maps to Seattle, for this. This was never what I wanted. I am getting paid just above minimum wage to get sell Viagra and get hit on by my smelly boss, Ralph. I didn't leave my parents' farm and everyone I've ever known behind in Greenville for this to be my new life.

I've been here for over a year. No benefits. No chance of promotion. No dignity. What the hell am I still doing here. I don't know what else there is waiting for me outside of this office, but it has to be better than this.

I look at the clock. 5:45

I have wasted my whole day here, but I won't waste one more second. I stride to the office where Ralph resides. Resenting that I even have to step foot in that cavern that smells of used cat litter and B.O. I knock on the door but then enter immediately after. The sight of an agitated Ralph at his desk, face red, almost makes me laugh. I would have if I weren't so mad that I am still here.

"What the hell, Roxanne! I was in the middle of some very important paperwork."

I look down. He was in the middle of a "very important" Maxim magazine.

"Its Alora, actually. And it looks like that half naked model on the horse was very important work, Ralph."

Ralph stutters and his face turns beet red. He stands straight up, knocking some papers off his desk as he comes around his office to go head to head with me. But he's shorter than me by and inch or two so it isn't all that intimidating.

"Who the hell do you think you are, girl? Do you want to be thrown out on the street?!" Ralph is yelling now. I'm betting all my other coworkers are probably listening in right about now.

"Oh don't worry about that Ralph, I quit, It will save you the time and effort of actually firing me," My chest puffs out in pride and I turn around to walk straight out of that door.

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