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The drive to work is unbearable. I can barely keep my eyes open, and even worse than the exhaustion, Kane hasn't spoken in 15 minutes. And we aren't even halfway through the drive. He insisted on driving me to work since I have no car and essentially no way of getting anywhere from his cabin, that seems like it is in the middle of nowhere. I took his offer but vetoed his suggestion to take his bike. It was fun for the one ride home, but I can not be riding on that death machine to work. My hair already looks absolutely decimated, It could not survive the wind. So here I am, sitting in a truck's passenger seat belonging to the gruff - but gentlemanly - biker.

I attempt to break the silence, "Thanks for the ride, Kane," I clear my throat. "Really. Thank you."

"Theres no need Alora," His tone is clipped. I try not to feel hurt by it.

He's probably just feeling the same as I am. Confused. Frustrated. Horny... I mean that kiss made me feel all kinds of things, and no matter what he did to me, how he held me, I wanted more. And then ... then, I pulled away. Then I let all my doubts. and rational thoughts drag me away from what could have been the best night of my life. But then again, I don't know Kane very well. Maybe it was for the best, to push him away and let myself be alone with my thoughts. I mean if I'm still hung up over James, no relationship could be good for me.

Before I know it the Moretti Tech building is coming into view. This torturous drive is coming to an end. But the thing is, I don't really want it to. I like being in Kane's presence, whenever I am around him I can't help but feel safe. I don't even know when I'll see him again, maybe I shouldn't even see him again. But I want to.

We come to a stop and I hesitate to open the door. "Thanks again." My smile is genuine. "For everything."

He nods back and by the looks of him, he's as conflicted as I feel. I exit the truck and as I'm about to close the door I hear the deep rumble of his voice call out to me.

"Alora-" He clears his throat and pauses now that he got my attention.

"I know things may have gotten complicated last night." Kane's thick eyebrows crease like he doesn't know what he's about to say next. If I didn't know any better I would say he looked almost like he's nervous. "But if you need anything." His deep brown eyes stare deep into my own. "Anything. I want you to call me."

My eyes must be as wide as saucers, I didn't expect him to be so ... so sweet. Especially after his cold shoulder act this morning. But he is entirely gentlemanly, kind, and so concerned with my wellbeing. If I weren't so damn messed up in the romance part of my life, I'd take him right here, right now.

He inputs his number into my phone and I get to look at him while he's distracted with typing on my tiny little flip phone with his giant sized fingers. I really do love looking at him. His thick brown locks fall in waves just above his shoulders. If it were anyone else I would assume they had some pretty bad bedhead. But for him... well, it just works. So perfectly messy and incredibly sexy. And god, that scruff on his face, how it felt against my smooth complexion when he'd kissed me hard last night.

I snap out of my thoughts when he hands me back my phone. I lock fully into "work mode" when I look at the time and realize how late I am. Shit shit shit. I say a rushed goodbye - and another thank you - to Kane before running up to the 85th floor.


After stumbling over my own two feet only twice and having an embarrassing and snarky exchange with Kimberly, I finally make it the office. 35 minutes late.

I don't see Vincent when I come in and I'm too nervous to check if he is in his office, so I stay put at my desk. I wonder if he is in a meeting or hope that he also happens to be late and didn't even notice my late arrival. But unfortunately, I don't find that very likely. Vincent is never late. And he probably is not going to start now. I start up the computer and get to work on emails to respond to and files I need to edit. Everything that would have seemed perfectly normal yesterday. Things that I could do easily in a a few minutes, just yesterday. But my mind, it keeps wandering. Thinking about how my work day yesterday felt like decades ago, and all that is really on my mind is the events that transpired last night. So much happened, too much to even process in years. All in one night. Getting mugged, getting saved by a wolf, running into Kane... Getting my home broken into, freaking out, staying with Kane...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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