Just for the Night

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"Alora." My name on his lips gives me a satisfaction I didn't know I was capable of.

I did not think I would ever see this sexy but grumpy stranger again. It was of pure coincidence when I ran into him and basically begged for a ride back home the last time I saw him. I probably looked like a doe in headlights to him right now.

"Are you okay?" He looks even more worried than a second ago, he reaches out to grasp me and lowers his face to mine, "Use your words, Alora."

It's then that I realize something. Kane; I have dreamt of him and thought of him often in the past few weeks. I have spelled out his name in my head and spoke it on my lips. I know his name. But I never told him mine.

"How-" I pause to think of all the plausible reasons. "How do you know my name."

His expression changes to something unreadable, his hands pull back, and part of me wants to reach for his warmth again. The adrenaline from the attack has almost worn out now and the cold starts seeping through to my clothes. The rain is falling harder now.

"Let's go, princess. It's only gonna rain harder the longer we are out here." He dismisses my question like it's nothing and I might as well have too when I decide to walk with him. I'm too tired and too cold to wonder about how this man knows my name.

"I've taken you home once before, just let me walk you there." His offer is sweet for someone he's only met once. And his presence, it feels ... protective.


Probably not the safest choice I've ever made but something tells me that letting Kane walk me home is the right decision. It's not logic in my mind that walks me forward, it's this warm pulsing in my chest.

Kane tucks me in tight to his side as we walk and my heart flutters. Any droplets of rain I feel are welcome to the heat of skin when I'm this close to him. The way he makes my heart beat faster and my blood turn hot makes the quick walk feel like a brief few seconds. Kane pulls away when we reach the door to my apartment building. I open the door and he looks deep into my eyes like he also didn't want the moment to end. I almost want to invite him in, but maybe that's too soon. Then his face turns to the building and his expression changes to one of displeasure.

"Let me walk you to your door, Alora."

"A-alright, sure" I stutter over my words. Maybe I can invite him in. Maybe I won't be humiliatingly rejected by this greek god of a man. Maybe he ... wants to stay too.

His irritated look only further when we walk deeper into the building. I must he misreading everything. Then why did he invite himself into my apartment building?

I'm too busy searching for any signs in his face that I forget to grab my keys out for the front door when we reach my apartment.

"Oh shoot," I dig in my pants pockets, "let me get my-"

"Alora." His loud voice reverberates off the walls of the small hallway. His tone makes me look up, he looks utterly wrathful. I track his eyes to where he's looking: my door. It's open.


"I'm assuming you did not leave it like that." He says as he pushes me behind his large form. I don't respond. I assume that's all the answer he needs. He stalks toward the doorway pushes the door open all the way, very slowly.

"You stay out here okay." His dark brown eyes search mine, "Do that for me, okay princess?" He emphasizes it with a squeeze to my hand.

"Don't come in unless I say it's all clear." He's all about business now. I nod and he goes in.

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