The Secretary

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I wake with a pounding in my head and the alarm clock blaring in my ears. Not even realizing what's going on, I lift my head up and it feels like it weighs 2 tons. I groggily grope my messy bed sheets to find my phone and turn off my alarm.

6:30 am

God, I must've forgot to turn it off after I quit. That's right.I quit.

I quit.
No need to wake up at the crack ass of dawn anymore just to take the bus all the way to 22nd street for work. I let out a sigh of relief. Never do I have to encounter Ralph and his wandering eyes at 9 am. No need to talk to grumpy and flaccid old people all day about an overpriced erection drug. To be fair, though, if I were old and flaccid, I'd be pretty grumpy too.

After my moment of peace, the panic sets in. My night of drinking didn't cure all my issues, in fact, now I have a throbbing headache to deal with. And no job. No job. Barely any money. Well, I could dip into my savings if need be, but ...

His voice comes back to me like it was just yesterday. "Lor, you're gonna make it happen. I just know it. When you dream of something, it becomes reality, sooner or later"

"But do you know how much it is to up and move-"

He had grabbed my arm then, stopping me, "Don't doubt yourself. You'll go to college, get a job. You'll get a good job and get good money. You will save and then you will have enough money to move to the Cape like you always wanted."

He had made me so hopeful then. "Wouldn't it be so lonely then, James. All by myself in my big mansion in Cape Cod, with all that money from my big girl job" I smiled

He smiled back, "Well, don't you worry a hair on your head, Lor, you know I'd come to your rescue." The hand he had on my arm found its way down to my hand and he traced circles on my palm.

"I'll be right there with you in Massachusetts. First plane out when I can finally get away from my father and his aspirations for me" The sarcastic tone didn't hide the anger and resentment in his voice. Not from me. His head was down, still looking at the imaginary circles he was drawing on my hand.

I grabbed the hand he had on mine and clutched it to my chest tightly. "We will find a way to make it there. Together."

My cheeks grow wet at the memory. God, I was so naive and optimistic back then. I hate that I might as well be the same girl. The minute I turned 18 I joined a bank and made that savings account. That's where half my paycheck goes, after all.

All that money, to a dream that means nothing without him.

I drag myself out of bed and force myself to stop thinking of it all. I brush my teeth and then make a gourmet breakfast for myself consisting of two frozen waffles and exactly one scrambled egg.  When I head back to my room I see it is a complete and total mess. Food and junk on my bedside table and dresser, clothes everywhere on the ground. I let out an exhausted sigh and get to work cleaning.

As I pick up my discarded clothes from last night on the ground, a paper slips falls out. It was very simple, white background, black text with a classy font. On the small card it reads:

Vincent Moretti
Moretti Tech LLC
206 752 9041

Oh my god. I almost completely forgot. Vincent. How he had caught me last night and bought me a drink. Gave me far too much cab fare.. and his card apparently. He had said I should call him about a job offer.

I can't imagine running straight to another job, being referred by the same man who saw me so embarrassingly drunk last night. What a wreck I must look like. Why would Moretti Tech hire me? I have no background with this sort of thing and I just quit my job, two weeks notice be damned!
But I don't really have any other options...

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