Stagnant Beginnings

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The moonlight shines through the thick canopy of trees in small rays of light. Without them, it would be pitch black. I'm running. Running faster than I've ever ran before, and I can feel the kiss of the breeze on my cheeks, I wish I could stop for just a second to feel it more fully. But I can't stop running. I keep trying to look behind me, over my shoulder but a tree branch jumps out at me and I have to whip my head around just to dodge it. The tree roots are tall and act as an obstacle as I run. My breath is now coming in short pants. My vision starts to black out. I look behind to me to see who I am running from and there is no one there.

I halt my steps immediately. I almost fall over myself. I hear my heartbeat in my ears as I turn my head in every direction. There is no one to be seen. I close my eyes for a quick moment to collect myself. Running. I was running. Why was I running? Who from?

I open my eyes and hear the rustle of branches behind me. I turn myself as quick as I can. As if this illusive character will evade me like a shadow. But someone is there. He is there. Someone I have a familiarity with but have never met yet. Something I feel in my bones.

He is wearing a dark purple cloak with a hood. I step forward and he steps back. I try see his face beneath the hood but It is like a black void within.


He jerks away from where he is standing - away from me. As if he wasn't expecting me to speak. He looks like he is about to leave and I want to reach out but my body is frozen. I notice a streak of hair that has peeked out from beneath the hood, he must have jerked it free when he moved. Something about it jars me. The streak of hair. It is stark white-

"Alora!" I turn my head around to see who called to me. No one in sight.

"Alora! What do you think you are doing?" I whip my head around again, the hooded man is long gone.

"Helloooo?" I groan.

I jolt awake. Startled, I feel the warm, sticky texture of the keys of my computer. I jerk my head up and around to see my boss, Ralph, with a disapproving look on his sweaty face. I have to refrain from my face falling into a grimace. I never liked Ralph much. I liked him even less after I watched him - very obviously - check out my ass on multiple occasions. Lets just say he gives me the creeps. And now he's found me embarrasingly asleep at my desk. Blood rushes to my cheeks.

"This is what we are doing on work hours, huh" Ralph drops one hand to his hip and leans against my desk, getting far too close to me. I pull away slightly to avoid his stench of BO. I saw his lip tick downard at my movement.

"Gosh, I'm really sorry Ralph. It's uh- been a long day, you know" I give him a sheepish smile. His flate stare looks back at me, it is a couple seconds of awkward silence before a wide grin spreads across his face.

His laughter from his raspy voice jolts me yet again. "Don't worry about it, sweet thing," Ralph leans in again, "I'm not gonna tell on ya"

I give him a tight smile back and try not to back away from his stance and his hot-dog breath, although it takes every thing in me not to. "Thanks Ralph, I'll get back to work now," I turn back to my computer and start it up again. He stays where he is for about a minute before sighing and heading back to his office or to harass some other worker, taking his stench with him. I finally let out a breath and close my eyes for another minute to regain myself before jumping back into my work. I open my eyes and look at the clock.


Holy hell. How am I going to get through the rest of today. I look back at my computer that just started up, back at the clock, back at the computer. I pull up the pdf form I was looking at. I call the next name on the list, with the littlest font that I can barely read and then I look down at my paper script as the phone rings.

"Hi, my name is Alora! Would you be able to talk about a lifechanging medication today?"

The man on the other end of the phone seems very confused and I can barely understand him through a very thick southern accent. "I already take my vitamins, young lady"

"I would like to talk to you about Viagra, not vitamins, sir. Perhaps you would be interested in-" The dial tone interrupts me.

Well, that one was a bust. I put the phone back to the reciever and look back at the clock.


"You've got to be kidding me" I mumble to myself as I pick up the phone and try the next number.


There is no way this taxi driver should be allowed to have his license. We must have hit every bump and curb and stray squirrel in the road in this 10 minutes drive so far. I try to give him the stink eye from where I am in the backseat and he either doesn't see me or he does see me and does not care one bit. Hopefully I get home in one piece, but this man is not getting a tip!

I pull out my phone to lull me into a calm state after my long, long day of work and this near death experience-

The taxi leaps over another bump and I hear a quiet "Whoops" from the front end of the car.

I roll my eyes and stare back at my empty phone. I just got this one a year ago and there are barely any apps on it and even less messages, I only have 3 contacts on it. Two being my Mom and Dad. The other one...

I take in a breath and stare at his contact photo. Gorgeous blue eyes look right back at me. His lucious golden locks bring me back to a time I think of often. When I was just a scrawny little 16 year old and I fawned over him. He was just graduating high school at the time. About to leave me, and our small town. He was never meant for it anyway. I can't help but miss him anyway. The way he was so rigid when it came to school, work, and his family's business. He was so hardworking and good, but my brother liked to call him uptight. But something within him softened when it came to our friendship, though. He was always so sweet to me, so kind. Something that the other kids at my school never were. He was practically the only friend I had. After he left, I had no one.

It wasn't only friendship I wanted from him. I was convinced one day we would leave our small town together. Maybe he could finally see me as more than a friend he's known since he was little. Not some family friend who he probably thought of as a little sister.

One summer I swear it was going to happen. Fourth of July 2008. We were at the lake like the rest of the kids in our town do on the Fourth. It was the first time I ever got drunk and he took care of me the whole night. I felt so bad and kept apologizing but he put his hand on my cheek and looked into my eyes deeply, saying that he'd do anything for me.

I touch my cheek as I remember the moment. Remember how his eyes glistened. The water lapped at the shore softly and the crickets chirped. He leaned in and looked down at my lips. The moment I'd been waiting for since the moment I had laid eyes on him at the age of 6. And then right as I felt the way his breathing changed when he came in close, when I smelled that cedar wood and honey aroma so near to me...
The fireworks went off and jerked his head back like I'd slapped him. His cheeks colored pink and he rubbed the back of his neck as he cleared his throat, then mumbled something unintelligible. I think he said he was going to clean up some of trash people had left behind, but I honestly barely remember. My body was numb with heartbreak.

I cried myself to sleep that night.

The taxi jerked to a rough stop and I turned my phone off, payed the man, and got out of the car.
My head was so jumbled up with memories and my emotions were swirling with my years old hurt that I didn't even notice I wasn't standing outside of my apartment building.

"Hey! Where-" The taxi sped off.


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