Chapter Two : The Triangle Hero.

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Part Two : Blades and Sorcery.

(Y/N and Luz, along with a bunch of dead guys.)

"Alright Lilith, you wanna go?!" You yelled, making the flames of your blades grow even hotter, "Let's Fucking Go!!" And with reckless abandon you jumped into the massive crowd of soldiers, with blood spurts following everywhere you went.

One of the men are their way to Luz, grabbing her by the shoulder. Luz screamed as your blade pierced through his chest, spurting blood onto her face. The dark veins connected to the hilt pulled back into your wrist, "You Okay?!" You yelled stabbing another soldier.

Luz nodded quietly, trying to ignore the dead bodies gathering on the ground. You head butted Lilith and stomped on her shin, she yelled out in pain and cast a spell summoning hundreds of pearly white and golden owls. Frustrated, you summoned walls of Cyan fire to incinerate the animals. You combined two dark purple orbs creating a small black hole, ripping the Magic apart a low gravity area was created. Lifting every man and woman sorcerer off the ground making them drop their weapons and causing them to lose their breath. You grabbed Lilith by her hood and dragged her out of the field, she gasped for air as she struggled.

You sighed, "Yeah, Yeah catch your breath." Snapping your fingers the blood from Luz's face, icing your hand you threw it onto Lilith with a quiet laugh. "How long are you gonna do this? We both know you can't beat me," Your laugh turned into a bold grin, "Anyways, how's that scar looking on Belos?"

"You dare make jokes while my men are dying like dogs?!" The imperialist yelled, "We should've killed you while we had the chance! Now my sister aids you in your crimes!" A loud groan left your mouth.

Luz sat on a box, "Y/N, what's she taking about?"

You facepalmed, "I should've known this would've lead into a dramatic and past revealing flashback," You pointed at Lilith, "We're doing it but before we do, Fuck you."

Five Years Ago.

You laughed at the yellow-haired, one-eyed, demon. His hand stuck inside the center of your chest, blood leaked out of your mouth as your hands gripped his wrists the blue energy that fulled him began to syphon into your body.

"No, No NO NO NO!!!" He yelled, his voice splitting into two. "LET, GO."

A magical triangle burned onto your forehead, and one of your eyes changed color. "If I can't kill you-" A portal appeared from the Combination of the both of your powers, like a closed circuit. "We're both going somewhere you can't hurt anyone else."

You found the strength to hold the Demon, and for a moment you looked back seeing your family. You thought about trying to push just the demon into the portal, but you knew it would close before he could get through.

So in one of your last acts of selflessness, you threw both yourself and the Demon into the portal. Sending both of you into unknown oblivion, separated by a random chunk of debris that cut off the demons arm.

Suddenly you found yourself in a grassy plain, your blood pooling all around. "Alright, Time to see if god loves me. Regeneration coming in 3. 2. 1...." No regeneration, "Fuck you God."

The world began to fade to black, but a figure came into view. "Damn kid you don't look so hot." The weight of your own body got lifted off the ground, "Let's get you healed up."

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