Chapter Three : The Immortal Hero.

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Part Six : The Enchiridion.

"Morning sugar." You rolled over, smiling at Bonnie. She rose an eyebrow with a smirk.

"Sugar?" She asked, you shrugged and got up. Stepping to the coffee machine you poured yourself a cup.

"Nothing wrong with trying something new right?" A thought popped into your head, "Especially with all the time we have." You laid back down in bed, setting your mug on the stand to the side.

Bonnabelle snuck under your arm, "Sugar...." She paused, "I like it." Her voice trailed off, "So about those new guys, you were whispering Finn's name in your sleep. Something about Comets..."

You sighed and sat up, prompting Bonnie to look at you seriously. "I'm going to tell you something I've only ever told Marceline." You motioned with your hand, "And that was because I was drunk." Bonnie laughed a little, "A Long- Long Time Ago, There were three Comets that soared together. One Green, One White, and the last Blue."

You counted on your fingers, "One brining evil, The other bringing good, and another brought balance." Your hand came to your chest, "I was the white Comet, and I've lived for thousands of Years. Only taking this form when the mushroom bomb went off, and magic spread all over Ooo."

"The reason I'm Immortal, is because I was born from that very same magic that is what everyone else uses." You explained, "As long as that magic survives. So will I."

Bonnabelle pondered for a moment, your heart beating with every second. "Okay, well as you know I was born from the Gum consciousness. And that was around the time after the Mushroom War, Why were you afraid to tell me?"

"I-I was afraid you would leave me." You said softly.

Bonnie laid herself down on your chest, "Well I'm not~"



Light stung your eyes, you moved throughout the destroyed landscape. Your breath cold and eyes a bright green, zombie-like creatures slowly stalked towards you. Only to ignite in a green fire, there was nothing on your body and your mind scrambled by memories of hundreds of lives that you never lived. Eventually it began to snow, you kept on, hearing laughter and movement you slowly neared.

You rustled some bushes on your way to the noise, "Quiet Marceline! Something's coming." A thorn stuck itself in your arm, you hissed while pulling it out, causing a small amount of blood to leak out.

"Simon! Don't put it on!" Another voice said, finally you made it through the bushes and saw a pale-blue skinned man with long white hair, and a girl with grey skin.

The man quickly put down the crown he held and rushed over to you, his hands were freezing cold. "Marcy cover your eyes!" He picked you up and carried you over to a sleeping bag, which he wrapped you up in. "Okay, let's get you by the fire." He set you down, soon your numb limbs started to have feeling.

"Are you alright?" The man asked, you didn't answer. "Not a talker Eh? That's okay," He pointed to himself, then the girl. "I'm Simon Petrikov, that one over there is Marceline."


You realized that you had zoned out in front of Finn, Jake, and Bonnie. "Y/N?" She asked, "You there?"

Past Lives |A Oneshot Story Book| DISCONTINUED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora