☁ The twins with a s/o who starves themselves whenever they're sad ☁

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Been sick and have been wrapped up in the Yona of the Dawn manga lately, but I'm finally back to post something- 😅

↫↱How would the twins react to their significant other who has the tendency to starve themselves whenever they're really sad/depressed? How long does it take them to notice 🤔↲↬

This was requested by almxdxd777! I hope that what I wrote is satisfactory! 🥰

This will be written in a what if-type formatting! Yuichiro is alive in this au but becomes a medic instead of a demon slayer!


↫↱Muichiro Tokito↲↬

↠Doesn't notice for a very long time

Muichiro is a prodigy who is amazing at many things, ( Origami, swordsmanship, etc ) being a good boyfriend was not one of them unfortunately..

Before he regained his memory, Muichiro was very standoffish and although he was nicer to you than he was to others, he was still forgetful and apathetic towards your problems if he noticed them, especially if you're a demon slayer. I'd bet that he had no clue of this habit of yours or if he did, he quickly forgot about it or made it worse by adding his logical input on the situation. ( Or ridicule you for allowing your emotions to affect you in a way that could hinder you from doing your job )

It wasn't until after he regained his memory that he realized the weight of how bad your habit was. He noticed how slim you seemed, how you struggled to hold your sword at times, and how much slower and more tired you seemed to be.

During the Hashira Training, you used a lot of energy to keep up and by the time you made it to your boyfriend's estate, you were exhausted. Muichiro took note of this but since you reassured him that you were fine, he let it go.

But then you passed out during your spar with him so he had to carry you inside his estate to rest. You were surprisingly light so he didn't have any problems, but it did set off sirens in his head.

And so, when you awoken he started asking you questions.

It took a while to get you to talk, but when you finally did you explain that you were feeling rather down after a friend of yours passed, and although you downplayed it quite a bit, confessed to have been cutting back on meals as a result.

Muichiro was a bit hurt by this. He knows now of how bad he treated you in the past, but he didn't think he was so bad that you would choose to starve yourself over coming to him for comfort..

During the rest of the Hashira Training, Muichiro spent a lot of time with you. He, of course, didn't neglect his duties and still trained the demon slayers who he hadn't passed yet, but he still kept an eye on you and took breaks to check in on you and just..talk really. He became more aware of your feelings and gave you comfort whenever he thought you needed it. He made sure you ate accordingly and even tried to make you a meal at some point! ..It tasted terrible, but the fact that he was trying so hard made you feel a little better. <3

↫↱Yuichiro Tokito↲↬

↠Notices after a while

When Yuichiro cares about someone, he's going to pay a lot of attention to them whether he admits to it or not so it's safe to say you had no chance of hiding this little habit of yours from him for any longer than a few months before he realizes.

Although he's very busy at the Butterfly Mansion, he had noticed signs whenever you had to visit for wounds and things like that. One of the main thing was your weight and how often it changed. Sometimes you gained weight but more often than not, you seemed to have slimmed out. Of course, you always gained weight before it got to the point he'd super concerned, but he still took note of how odd it was.

After noticing that, he started picking up on your behavior. You always seemed much less happy and closed off whenever you lost weight and seemed much more like yourself, much more happy when you started gaining weight again. When he realized that fact, it was only a matter of time before he put two and two together.

Now, as brash as Yuichiro can be, I don't see him forcing you to confess to your habit or at least, not immediately. After talking to Shinobu about it, he realized how insensitive it would be to overstep your boundaries by trying to force you to admit something you might not be ready to tell him yet. And so, he decides to take a more discreet approach.

He begins summoning you to the Butterfly Mansion more for check ups, adjusting his schedule so that he can squeeze in the time to make and deliver you snacks, and paying close attention for any sign of drastic changes to your eating habits.

If or when you think it's time to tell him, you can come and pull him away from work. He may make a snarky comment depending on what he was doing at the time, but he'll listen. He's not the best with comforting people so don't expect him to do that or at least, don't expect any verbal comfort from him. Believe or not, but he's a little better at physically comforting people. ( He's not great at it, but it's better than his attempts at being verbally comforting )

If you decide not to tell him, he won't make a big deal over it, thinking that doing so will only make you push him away. However, if he ever realizes that your health is declining or worsening and you're making no attempt to get better, he will step in and confront you about it in a way that may seem like he's scolding you. ( Which he kinda is.. ) Please just bare with him, he's not the best when it comes to being empathetic or gentle with his words but he really does wants to help you get better!


Woohoo! I finally posted something after months of having intense writer's block! I'm so glad I convinced myself to be productive today! 😁

I can't promise anything right now, but I plan on using my Christmas break to work on requests ( My Tumblr requests too since I've decided to start accepting them ) so let's hope my motivation doesn't decide to go on break as well..

Until then, I hope you all have an amazing day/evening/night! I love you and please, please take care of yourself! 🙏🏾

Tumblr Account: https://www.tumblr.com/aritsukemo

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