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warning (?): fnaf movie spoilers lmaoo

a knock on the door caused me to jump out of my seat and up to open it. blade stood in the doorway menacingly, a frown on his face. i smiled, tugging him inside and locking the door.

"tada, your food is here!" i brought him over to the table and placed the chipotle in front of him.

"i hope you know, you're an absolute idiot."

"actually, im your absolute idiot." i winked, the joke causing me to laugh. blade rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair with his free hand.

"i hate you." he mumbled, taking a bite of his food.

"you love me." i shot back, relaxing my body and leaning onto him. pink dusted blade's cheeks, visibly flustered as he turned away.

"maybe." he mumbled. "but shut up."

"what?! why?" i pouted, tugging at his arm. blade checked his phone for the time before picking up the remote and switching on the tv

"i dont wanna hear your yapping while we watch the fnaf movie." he chuckled, pulling me closer, the side of my hip just barely brushing against his. my face exploded with pink, not used to such close contact.

"good point!" i giggled, avoiding meeting blade's line of sight. his hand ran down the side of my torso, resting just on my waist. "you're so cute blade." i teased.

"oh shut it, asshat." i felt a light hit to the head, before a warm embrace underneath the blanket "you know," he said, playing with a strand of my hair. "you're really tempting me."

my heart began to race. "to do what?" blade shook his head.

"to kiss you, idiot." blade admitted, his voice barely a whisper. i gulped, unsure of what was happening.

"then do it, dipshit." i replied, just as quiet. blade froze, his eyes finally meeting my own, then dipping down to my lips. i grabbed his shirt collar, bringing him closer. i could feel his warm breath on my skin, sending shivers down my spine. as if time was slowing down, i watched as he came even closer, close enough for me to count his eyelashes and—

screams from the tv brought us back. chica's cupcake was currently mauling some guys face off. i backed away, though my gaze was still on blade. he sighed, almost disappointed, returning his attention to the movie.

"hey blade," i murmured. "theres something on the wall over there." as blade turned his head to find it, i pressed my lips to his cheek quickly. blade whipped back surprised, hand reaching up, grazing the spot on his skin where my lips previously were.


"i know, im quite the rizzlord arent i-"

"dont ruin the mood idiot!"

a/n: its here

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