Chapter 13: Enigmatic Encounters

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Asher slowly opened his eyes and sat up straight, holding his dizzy head. It was very painful. He picked up the glass of water lying on the side table and put it to his mouth, feeling a little relieved. After sitting on the bed for a while, Asher checked the time; it was seven o'clock. He got up and started getting ready for university, but as soon as he put his feet on the ground, he felt severe pain. Asher groaned as he looked down at his feet, which were swollen and had shards of glass embedded, with blood frozen on them. The whole scene of the night started spinning in front of him. Tears flowed from his eyes due to the intensity of pain, while blood started oozing from his feet. He managed to get up in pain, went to the washroom, took the first aid box, and sat down as he couldn't bear the pain anymore. With trembling hands, he cleaned and bandaged his feet.

After sitting there for a while, he picked up a piece of glass lying nearby and observed himself in the glass. Disheveled hair, dry lips resembling centuries of thirst, and dark circles around his eyes made him look as if he had been sick for centuries. He hit the piece of glass hard on the ground, pursed his lips in pain, and came out to sit on the bed.

Upon entering the class, Eric scrutinized the entire room, searching for Asher. Not finding him, he assumed Asher must be late again. While delivering his lecture, Eric's expectant eyes repeatedly glanced at the door, waiting for Asher. Annoyed when Asher didn't show up, Eric decided to find him after the lecture. Instead of going directly to his room, he reached the window but found it closed, fueling his frustration.

Asher entered the kitchen, dragging his feet for something to eat. The small open kitchen connected to the TV lounge barely accommodated him as he reached the fridge for bread and jam. Unable to stand for long, he settled for a simple meal. After eating, he placed the plate on a small table and noticed blood seeping through the bandage on his feet. Constantly seeing his blood, his eyes began to change color, and he knocked on the vase sporadically. Shaking his head, he took a deep breath and glanced at the door.

Opening the door felt like climbing a mountain, annoyed by the constant ringing. Slowly approaching the door,

A/N:"Dive into a world where forbidden love intertwines with dark secrets, as Eric, the mysterious vampire prince, grapples with a haunting past. The emergence of Asher, unaware of his true identity, ignites a complex web of power struggles, ancient grudges, and hidden desires. As they navigate a treacherous path between love and betrayal, they uncover long-buried truths that challenge their very existence. Will their entangled destinies lead to salvation or doom in this supernatural saga of passion, revenge, and the timeless struggle between light and shadow?"

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