Chapter 16 : Dark Revelations

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Covering Asher well with the sheet lying on the side, Eric started walking away. However, he stopped, contemplating something, and returned to the couch. There, he noticed a pen on the small table and wrote something on paper before leaving. Eric, surprised by the presence of a witch in Asher's house, was determined to handle the situation.

Due to his Royal-blood, Eric possessed heightened senses, easily detecting the presence of anyone or any creature around him.


Blackwitch also noticed Eric, pleased that Asher had consumed his blood, and she vanished into a corner of the room using a magic spell. Unbeknownst to her, she left something important behind.


"DEREK, you know that boy is a vampire," Eric exclaimed excitedly upon entering the office.

"Which boy?" Derek asked quizzically.

"The one you like."

"Yes, the same boy, but he's different. He's not like us. I guess he doesn't know he's a vampire yet, and I had felt the presence of a witch in his house," Eric explained in detail.

"Witch? Wasn't it all over? Didn't all witches get hunted?" Derek asked in surprise.

"No, not all. Some were lost, some had gone to our antagonistic vampires," Eric revealed. Many witches had been burned alive on King Edward's order some years ago, but some had survived and become their enemies.

"So, what does your boy have to do with it?"

"That's what I want to know — the relationship of Asher with witches. Derek, before that, I want you to take this ring to the palace, get it checked out, and give me all the information about it," Eric instructed.

"Where did you get this ring? And who owns it?" Derek inquired.

"I got this ring from Asher's house after the witch left from there. I want information as soon as possible."

"Ok, boss, I will leave at night," Derek replied, and Eric nodded, trusting Derek more than himself for this task.

A/N:"Dive into a world where forbidden love intertwines with dark secrets, as Eric, the mysterious vampire prince, grapples with a haunting past. The emergence of Asher, unaware of his true identity, ignites a complex web of power struggles, ancient grudges, and hidden desires. As they navigate a treacherous path between love and betrayal, they uncover long-buried truths that challenge their very existence. Will their entangled destinies lead to salvation or doom in this supernatural saga of passion, revenge, and the timeless struggle between light and shadow?"

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