Chapter 19 | Awaiting the Return

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Alex walked down the corridor of the University of Elysium, his eyes scanning the groups of people gathered there. He had been absent from school for the past two days, and he was eager to catch up with his friends Haney and Nathan. As he made his way through the bustling hallway, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation mixed with a tinge of worry.

Haney and Nathan were his closest friends at the university. They had been through thick and thin together, supporting each other through the ups and downs of college life. Whether it was studying for exams, exploring the city, or simply hanging out and having a good time, the trio was inseparable.

But now, as Alex searched for his friends, he couldn't find them anywhere. He wondered if they were avoiding him or if something had happened that he was unaware of. His mind raced with questions and concerns, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

As he continued his search, he decided to ask some of their mutual friends if they had seen Haney and Nathan around. He approached Sarah, a classmate who was known to be close to both of them. Sarah greeted Alex with a warm smile and assured him that she hadn't seen Haney or Nathan for the past couple of days either.

Alex's worry deepened. He couldn't help but wonder if something serious had happened to his friends. He hoped that they were just caught up with their own personal matters and would be back soon. But the nagging uncertainty gnawed at him, making it difficult to focus on anything else.

As the day went on, Alex couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. He decided to reach out to Haney and Nathan through text messages, hoping to get a response and some reassurance. He anxiously waited for their replies, desperately wanting to know that they were okay.

In the midst of his worry, Alex tried to stay positive. He reminded himself that sometimes life gets busy, and people can have their own reasons for being unavailable. However, deep down, he couldn't help but hope that his friends would soon reappear, bringing with them the comfort and familiarity that he had grown accustomed to.

The next day, filled with hope and anticipation, Alex returned to the university, eager to reunite with his two friends, Haney and Nathan. As he walked through the familiar corridors, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building up inside him. He longed to see their familiar faces and hear their reassuring voices once again.

With a determined look on his face, Alex reached up and touched the scar on his neck, activating a hidden power within him. As he did so, a surge of energy coursed through his body, and he called out to his friends. To his astonishment, Haney and Nathan materialized right in front of him, still in their Celestial Guardians form.

Relief washed over Alex as he saw his friends standing before him. He couldn't contain his worry any longer and blurted out, "I've been so worried about you two! I heard that you've been absent for the past three days. What happened?"

Haney and Nathan exchanged glances, their expressions filled with a mix of gratitude and concern. Nathan spoke up, his voice filled with a hint of urgency. "Thank you for calling us, Alex. It's true, we detected the presence of an alien within the school. But somehow, we got trapped in a different dimension while trying to confront it. We've been trying to find a way back to Earth, but it hasn't been easy."

Alex's worry deepened as he listened to Nathan's explanation. He couldn't believe that his friends had been facing such a dangerous situation without him. He understood the gravity of their mission as Celestial Guardians, sworn to protect Earth from extraterrestrial threats, but it pained him to think of the dangers they had faced alone.

"I'm so glad you're both safe," Alex said, his voice filled with genuine concern. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Realizing the importance of Haney and Nathan reconnecting with their worried parents, Alex gently insisted, "For now, you should go back to your parents. I'm sure they're just as concerned about you." Understanding the necessity of their departure, Haney and Nathan nodded in agreement.

With a heartfelt farewell, the two Celestial Guardians disappeared from Alex's sight, leaving him standing alone in the university corridor. As they made their way home, Alex couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and longing. He knew that Haney and Nathan needed to prioritize their safety and reunite with their families, but he already missed their presence and the adventures they shared.

As he watched them vanish, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and gratitude for having such incredible friends. He knew that their bond would remain strong, even if they were physically apart. With a hopeful smile on his face, Alex looked forward to the day when they would be reunited once again, ready to face whatever challenges the universe had in store for them.

Alex entered the room, feeling a sense of unease as he realized he was very late for class. His professor, Professor Johnson, glanced up from his desk and called out to him, "Mr. Ash!"

Alex approached his professor, slightly out of breath. "Yes?" he replied, trying to catch his breath.

"We still haven't heard any updates about your two friends, Haney and Nathan," Professor Johnson said, his tone filled with concern.

Alex's heart sank at the reminder of his friends' absence. He quickly thought of an explanation, hoping to alleviate any suspicion. "They're actually sick," he reasoned out. "I called them earlier to ask why they weren't at school. They said they're not feeling well and needed to rest."

Professor Johnson nodded, his expression softening. "I hope they get better soon. It's important for them to take care of their health."

Feeling a mixture of relief and guilt, Alex appreciated his professor's understanding. He knew that Haney and Nathan's situation was far from ordinary, but he couldn't reveal the truth about their celestial guardian duties. He silently vowed to support his friends and keep their secret safe.

As the class continued, Alex tried to focus on the lesson, but his mind kept wandering back to his friends. He couldn't help but worry about them and wonder when they would return. He hoped that their absence wouldn't affect their academic progress and that they would be able to catch up once they were back.

Throughout the class, Professor Johnson periodically checked in on Alex, asking, "How about you? Are you feeling better now?" Alex appreciated the genuine concern and reassured his professor that he was doing fine, despite the worry he carried in his heart.

As the day went on, Alex couldn't shake off the feeling of emptiness without Haney and Nathan by his side. He missed their camaraderie, their shared laughter, and their unwavering support. But he knew that they had their own battles to fight, and he would patiently wait for their return, ready to embrace them with open arms.

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