Chapter 37 | United Against Darkness

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The next morning, Gab saw the imposter Alex. Without hesitation, he swiftly apprehended him and confined him within a transparent, tube-like prison.

Confused and desperate, the imposter Alex pleaded, "Why are you subjecting me to this, Dad?"

"I know you're not my son!" Gab exclaimed, his voice filled with conviction.

The evil spirit sneered and chuckled, tauntingly asking, "Oh, how do you know?"

As the evil spirit's face contorted into a terrifying visage, Gab remained resolute. "I can see through your disguise, Alex," he declared.

"But he resides within me!" the evil spirit jeered. "And you cannot vanquish me!" It laughed with a sinister glee.

Before the evil spirit could continue its mocking, the true Alex regained control of his body, tears streaming down his face.

"Dad, please, I can't bear this anymore!" Alex pleaded, feeling trapped within his own body, now under the control of the evil spirit. He looked at his father, who had imprisoned him inside a glass tube.

"I can't do it, Alex," his dad replied, his heart breaking as he gazed at his son. "There must be another solution, another way to help you without causing harm to anyone."

Tears streamed down Alex's face as he desperately tried to convey the urgency of the situation. "Dad, you don't understand. This is the only way to protect you and everyone else. Please, consider it."

His father's anguish was evident as he struggled to find a different path. "I can't bear the thought of losing you, Alex. We'll keep searching, we'll find a way to free you from this torment. I promise."

Alex nodded, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and determination. "Okay, Dad. We'll keep fighting. We won't give up until we find a way to break free from this darkness."

"I need to find your friends first," Gab stated with determination.

With that, Gab vanished from the room, leaving Alex alone. The evil spirit regained control over Alex's body, its presence growing stronger.

Inside, Alex felt his strength waning, but he clung to a glimmer of hope. His sole focus now was to ensure the safety of everyone he cared about.

Gab embarked on a journey through various dimensions, desperately searching for Alex's friends. However, the evil spirit intervened, forcefully hurling them into separate realms, each trapped in their own dimension.

Gab located Nathan sitting on a massive rock, and upon seeing him, Nathan's face lit up with a mix of joy and skepticism.

"Mr. Ash? Is it truly you?" Nathan questioned, his voice filled with uncertainty.

"Yes, Alex informed me that you had been cast aside," Gab confirmed.

Nathan appeared perplexed. "But how? He was overtaken by the possession once more," he inquired.

Gab explained, "He conveyed the message to me through a dream."

Nathan, his eyes filled with concern, inquired, "Where is Haney?"

Gab's expression turned solemn as he replied, "I haven't been able to locate her yet, but time is of the essence. We must act swiftly. The portal I created has a limited duration."

Understanding the urgency, Nathan nodded and joined Gab in their quest to find Haney. Together, they ventured through the intricate dimensions, their determination unwavering.

As they traversed the ethereal landscapes, their bond grew stronger. Gab shared stories of his encounters with Alex, his unwavering belief in the power of love and friendship evident in his words. Nathan, in turn, spoke of Haney's unwavering loyalty and her ability to bring light to even the darkest of situations.

Their shared memories and unwavering faith in their friend fueled their determination. They refused to succumb to the challenges thrown their way, knowing that their unity and resilience would guide them through.

Hours turned into days as they tirelessly searched, their hope flickering but never extinguishing. They encountered treacherous terrains, faced formidable adversaries, and overcame countless obstacles. Yet, their resolve remained unshaken.

Finally, in a realm cloaked in mist, they discovered Haney, her spirit weakened but her determination unyielding. Relief washed over them as they embraced their dear friend, their reunion a testament to the power of unwavering friendship.

With Haney by their side, their strength multiplied. Together, they raced against the ticking clock, navigating the labyrinthine dimensions to find the portal before it closed. Their unity and unwavering belief in one another propelled them forward, defying the odds stacked against them.

As they reached the portal's location, time seemed to slow. With a final burst of energy, they stepped through the shimmering gateway, their hearts filled with hope and anticipation. The portal closed behind them, sealing their journey within the realms.

In that moment, they knew that their unwavering determination and unbreakable bond had triumphed. They had defied the odds, reunited with their friends, and emerged stronger than ever.

As they stood together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, they understood the true power of friendship and the unwavering spirit that resides within each of them. Their journey had taught them that no matter how daunting the obstacles, they would always find a way to overcome, united in their pursuit of love, loyalty, and the indomitable goodness within their hearts.

"Alex, we've returned!" Nathan exclaimed, his voice filled with hope.

However, as Nathan caught sight of Alex's monstrous visage, he instinctively fell silent, his words swallowed by fear.

Gab's voice resonated with a mix of concern and determination. "The evil spirit has regained control," he stated. "Alex, can you still hear me?" Gab attempted to establish a telepathic connection with his son, hoping to reach him amidst the chaos.

The evil spirit let out a chilling laugh, its mocking tone echoing through the air. "He is asleep. Your attempts are futile!" it taunted.

"Alex?" Gab called out once more, his voice filled with hope and concern.

To his relief, he heard a faint response from Alex.

"Dad, I'm here," Alex's voice came through, weak and feeble.

"You're incredibly weak, Alex. But you need to find the strength to fight," Gab urged, his voice filled with determination.

Alex, his voice barely audible, asked with a glimmer of hope, "Did you find Nathan and Haney?"

Gab's response was swift and reassuring, "Yes, we're all here!" Nathan and Haney chimed in unison, their voices echoing with relief and support.

In that moment, a surge of renewed energy coursed through Alex's veins. Despite his weakened state, the presence of his friends and his father's unwavering belief in him ignited a flicker of resilience within his heart.

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